Lucas' Sketchbook
Hello everyone, feel free to give critiques and feedbacks. Thanks a lot!

Some Original Paintings:
[Image: here_comes_my_hero_by_lucasparolin-d474qf2.jpg]
[Image: cupcake_color_by_lucas_ps-d4l47cg.jpg]
[Image: 874800c9b14b244f661204bd78d8a7f2-d4c32p7.jpg]
[Image: 5eea39fd3612c661b54614c2c1af49a5-d4xfn5r.jpg]
[Image: 60423275ffd17431f902a18a86167476-d54gyhi.jpg]

[Image: 46b47ef1d4ed02c1b2e06360913095a5-d2zdcow.jpg]
[Image: study___woods_tunnel_by_lucasparolin-d559guz.jpg]
[Image: lion_study_by_lucas_ps-d4w46rj.jpg]

It's been a while, I think I'll be more active in this community.

These couple of months I've been studying a lot and I might as well share a lit bit of what I did

[Image: dia_17_01.jpg]
[Image: bones+musculos_blog.jpg]
[Image: Arqueiro_blog.jpg]
[Image: martina_kneeling_04_BLOG.jpg]
[Image: 003_0_2_blog.jpg]
[Image: mulher01_blog.jpg]
[Image: Agua_esbocos.jpg]

trying to finish stuff in one seating.. this was my first mech, I should do more
[Image: MechDoodle.jpg]

2.5 hour value study
[Image: Cory-Bond-Arnaldo-Anaya-Lucca-01_LucasParolin.jpg]

Studies for my last piece
[Image: Tiger_StructureStudy.jpg]
[Image: Tiger_SkullStudy.jpg]
[Image: Monks_Study.jpg]
composition study
[Image: tiger_Zodiac_thumbs.jpg]
I went for the last thumbnail (still a work in progress)
[Image: d90618e2077b5774b32a442e921d2b39-d5wkjq6.jpg]
Crazy Studies !

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

Blog | Sketchbook | dA
great stuff, lovely studies and epic censorships on the photos lol

Blog - Facebook - Deviantart - Sketchbook
Skype: blewzen

thanks! I have to study more and more!
hehe the censorship is because I posted it on my blog... I dunno..
some more arm studies to help my tiger piece... the arm war weird so I did some of these
[Image: braco.jpg]
[Image: braco2e.jpg]

and here is the piece with some changes
[Image: tigerzodiacversao2.jpg]
I'll hate to sto this a little bit for the sake of Bloodsport, I'm gonna dedicate a lot to it!
Hello Daggers,
I've been working on my bloodsports entry, in the time I have, since friday the 8th.

I don't have too much too show though... these are the stuff I was working on

[Image: study1.jpg]
[Image: study2m.jpg]

[Image: capa1w.jpg]

Thank you!
Lucas Parolin
Your studies are great.

Also love those first few original paintings, nice style and very clean. Look forward to seeing more.

Awesome sketchbook and studies here ! I noticed you nice work on Bloodsport 14, your studies were super great, what a good eye ;)
Keep on the good work ! I will come back here :P

Pardon my english.
(04-10-2013, 12:19 AM)Virid Rain Wrote: Awesome sketchbook and studies here ! I noticed you nice work on Bloodsport 14, your studies were super great, what a good eye ;)
Keep the good work ! I will come back here :P

Thanks a lot! i might as well update here, since you gave me a good motivation =)

some quick stuff I did for school

[Image: thumbs.jpg]

[Image: Ficus_macrophylla_3Estuido1.jpg]

[Image: estudo2.jpg]

[Image: concept_big.jpg]

[Image: concept.jpg]
Awesome stuff! I especially like the rendering on those more neat done works! I would love to see more drawing from you. Keep on the good work!

I haven't post the other bloodsports, but I'll post the stuff I did for the 15.

[Image: ref_table.jpg]

[Image: golem_thumbs_blog.jpg]

[Image: sorc_thumbs2_ass.jpg]

[Image: More_studies.jpg]

[Image: character_options.jpg]

I really hope I can finish this time!

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