Character Name- Gregory F. Schlieden

Character Archetype:
Character Type- Villain
Archetype- Charming Villain
Role- Corrupt Royalty Type
Gender- Male
Zodiac/Element- Libra/Wind
Powers- Invisibility Type

Physical Traits:
Body Type- Well Defined/Toned
Height- Moderate/6ft+
Skin Tone- Very Light/80%-90%
Face Type- Oval Type
Hair Color- Black Variation
Hair Style- Straight Type
Hair Length- Moderate
Eyebrow Shape- Angled
Eye Shape- Deep-set Eyes
Eye Color- Red
Ear Shape- Pointy
Nose Shape- Roman Nose
Lip Shape- Thin
Skin Variants- Cut
Facial Hair- None

Clothing Era- Victorian Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Loose Garment Type

Hair- None
Head- None
Neck- None
Left Arm- None
Right Arm- None
Left Hand- None
Right Hand- Rings
Left Leg- None
Right Leg- None
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- None

Weaponry- None

Attached Files Image(s)

Character Name- Alissa Reid

Character Archetype:
Character Type- Common Folk
Archetype- Charming Type
Role- Seductress/Seducer Type
Gender- Female
Zodiac/Element- Aquarius/Wind
Powers- Harmonic/Vocal Type

Physical Traits:
Body Type- Well Defined/Toned
Height- Moderate/6ft+
Skin Tone- Light/40%-50%
Face Type- Heart Type
Hair Color- Blond Variation
Hair Style- Waved Type
Hair Length- Very Long
Eyebrow Shape- Arched
Eye Shape- Almond Eyes
Eye Color- Violet
Ear Shape- Moderate
Nose Shape- Roman Nose
Lip Shape- Heart Shaped
Skin Variants- None
Facial Hair- None

Clothing Era- Futuristic Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Loose Garment Type

Hair- Feather
Head- Earcuffs
Neck- Choker
Left Arm- None
Right Arm- None
Left Hand- None
Right Hand- None
Left Leg- None
Right Leg- None
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- None

Weaponry- Slicing Type
Character Generation

Not perfect, I missed some stuff and lost the original character generation. But I beleive I got everything right.
[Image: 7892_146929045501549_957177163_n.jpg]
Quick concept sketch I did. I gotta say, I found this character creator quite a fun tool. Will post more in the future.
For some reason I didnt use a ref so there are some inconcistencies in anatoy and lighting.

Attached Files Image(s)

In progress: Cecilia Cummings

Character Name- Celia Cummings

Character Archetype:
Character Type- Villain
Archetype- Charming Villain
Role- Corrupt Royalty Type
Gender- Female
Zodiac/Element- Aries/Fire
Powers- Time Control Type

Physical Traits:
Body Type- Undefined/Moderate
Height- Moderate/6ft+
Skin Tone- Light/40%-50%
Face Type- Rectangle Type
Hair Color- Red Variation
Hair Style- Waved Type
Hair Length- Long
Eyebrow Shape- Angled
Eye Shape- Small Eyes
Eye Color- Black
Ear Shape- Moderate
Nose Shape- Greek Nose
Lip Shape- Full

Clothing Era- Futuristic Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Fur Type

Hair- Hairpin
Neck- Necklace
Left Leg- Tattoo

Weaponry- Piercing Type

Character Name- Ashantay Hope

Character Archetype:
Character Type- Hero
Archetype- Charming Hero
Role- Warrior/Soldier Type
Gender- Female
Zodiac/Element- Virgo/Earth
Powers- Telepathic Type

Physical Traits:
Body Type- Well Defined/Toned
Height- Moderate/6ft+
Skin Tone- Light/40%-50%
Face Type- Square Type
Hair Color- Brown Variation
Hair Style- Waved Type
Hair Length- Long
Eyebrow Shape- Curved
Eye Shape- Deep-set Eyes
Eye Color- Hazel
Ear Shape- Moderate
Nose Shape- Hawk Nose
Lip Shape- Full
Skin Variants- Cut
Facial Hair- None

Clothing Era- Romantic Era Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Short/Revealing Type

Hair- Band
Head- Crown
Neck- Necklace
Left Arm- Armlet
Right Arm- Armlet
Left Hand- Bracelet
Right Hand- Rings
Left Leg- Leg Band
Right Leg- Strap
Left Foot- Anklet
Right Foot- Toe Ring

Weaponry- Throwing Type
Looking at the other pictures, i'm not sure I did this right.

Character Name- Haley Imai

Character Archetype:
Character Type- Hero
Archetype- Cowardly Hero
Role- Comedic Performer Type
Gender- Female
Zodiac/Element- Scorpio/Water
Powers- Accelerated Recovery Type

Physical Traits:
Body Type- Undefined/Moderate
Height- Moderate/6ft+
Skin Tone- Light/40%-50%
Face Type- Triangle Type
Hair Color- Red Variation
Hair Style- Waved Type
Hair Length- Long
Eyebrow Shape- Flat
Eye Shape- Deep-set Eyes
Eye Color- Black
Ear Shape- Moderate
Nose Shape- Turned up Nose
Lip Shape- Thin

Clothing Era- Medieval Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Fur Type

Head- Circlet
Left Arm- Armlet

Weaponry- Whipping Type
I tried~

Looking forward to creating more chars though >:O

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Took 3 Days :/ Because I suck at coloring right now. So I had to redo the whole sketch :(

Character Type- Villain
Archetype- Mentally Unstable Villain
Role- Assassin Type
Gender- Male
Zodiac/Element- Leo/Fire
Powers- Magician Type

Physical Traits:
Body Type- Undefined/Moderate
Height- Moderate/6ft+
Skin Tone- Very Light/80%-90%
Face Type- Round Type
Hair Color- Blond Variation
Hair Style- Curly Type
Hair Length- Very Long
Eyebrow Shape- Arched
Eye Shape- Hooded Eyes
Eye Color- Black
Ear Shape- Moderate
Nose Shape- Greek Nose
Lip Shape- Thin
Skin Variants- None
Facial Hair- None

Clothing Era- Traditional Spanish Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Fur Type

Hair- Hairpin
Head- Ear cuffs
Neck- Necklace
Left Arm- Armlet
Right Arm- Tattoo
Left Hand- None
Right Hand- None
Left Leg- None
Right Leg- None
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- None

Weaponry- Launching Type

Great to see all the character art usin the generator!
Had some time to do one. Didn't get all the features in the character info, but it gave me a good enough base to start somewhere.
Character Info

[Image: raquel.jpg]
All of the unfinished!

Learned a lot from this - like what I need to study etc.
Super fun, maybe I'll actually be able to finish a char one day (。ヘ°)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
lol dat head

I did set myself a time to be finished with this... aaaandd surprise, still unfinished-ish.
But, hooray for colour!
May try the creature gen next time o: but I gotta study creature stuff foist ~

so much fun!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
The attrubute "bald" gave me an idea for background story. Basically she steals other peoples hair by throwing her boomerang that has a blade attached to it, now mix that with the clumsy part and...Comedy?
Well she is a villain.

Gotta get better at drawing!

-- crappy scan is crappy :'(
still trying to figure it out

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Character Name- darkside

Character Archetype:
Character Type- Hero
Archetype- Loner Hero
Role- Mercenary Type
Gender- Male
Zodiac/Element- Capricorn/Earth
Powers- Super Human Type

Physical Traits:
Body Type- Well Defined/Toned
Height- Moderate/6ft+
Skin Tone- Very Light/80%-90%
Face Type- Heart Type
Hair Color- Black Variation
Hair Style- Straight Type
Hair Length- Long
Eyebrow Shape- Flat
Eye Shape- Deep-set Eyes
Eye Color- Black
Ear Shape- Very Pointy
Nose Shape- Turned up Nose
Lip Shape- Thin
Skin Variants- None
Facial Hair- None

Clothing Era- Steam Punk Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Armor Type

Hair- None
Head- None
Neck- Tattoo
Left Arm- None
Right Arm- None
Left Hand- None
Right Hand- None
Left Leg- None
Right Leg- None
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- None

Weaponry- Slicing Type
Hi! Here is a finished piece from me and smrfette's Danger Squad group! The challenge was to produce a character from Dennis's character generator and complete it within a week. Here is what I came up with based on these characteristics:

Character Name- Cedric Mizutani

Character Archetype:
Character Type- Hero
Archetype- Hot Shot Hero
Role- Comedic Performer Type
Gender- Male
Zodiac/Element- Sagittarius/Fire
Powers- None

Physical Traits:
Body Type- Undefined/Moderate
Height- Moderate/6ft+
Skin Tone- Light/40%-50%
Face Type- Square Type
Hair Color- Brown Variation
Hair Style- Curly Type
Hair Length- Moderate
Eyebrow Shape- Angled
Eye Shape- Hooded Eyes
Eye Color- Blue
Ear Shape- Large
Nose Shape- Turned up Nose
Lip Shape- Very Fleshed
Skin Variants- None
Facial Hair- None

Clothing Era- Traditional Turkish Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Heavy Wear Type

Hair- Fascinator
Head- None
Neck- None
Left Arm- None
Right Arm- None
Left Hand- Rings
Right Hand- None
Left Leg- None
Right Leg- None
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- None

Weaponry- Launching Type

Attached Files Image(s)

Woo! DANGER SQUAD kicking iiiiit! Looking forward to our next objective Man, <3
Here's mine, although ~2days late haha. Busted my imaginary balls on this one:

Character Name-Lawanda Shunji

Character Archetype:
Character Type-Villain
Archetype-Honorable Villain
Role-Corrupt Warrior/Soldier Type

Physical Traits:
Body Type- Thin/Fragile
Skin Tone-Light Moderate/60%-70%
Face Type-Round Type
Hair Color-Blond Variation
Hair Style-Coiled Type
Hair Length-Short
Eyebrow Shape-Curved
Eye Shape-Oriental Eyes
Eye Color-Brown
Ear Shape-Very Small
Nose Shape-Nubian Nose
Lip Shape-Very Fleshed
Skin Variants-None
Facial Hair-None

Clothing Era-Ancient Roman Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type-Fur Type

Neck- None
Left Arm-None
Right Arm-None
Left Hand-None
Right Hand-None
Left Leg-Leg Band
Right Leg-None
Left Foot-None
Right Foot-Anklet

Weaponry-Blunted Type

Here's a higher res version, I guess

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Now what? I chose all the stuffs, now what do I do?

You design a character based on the randomly generated traits and attributes (:

Character Name- Phyllis Marais

Character Archetype:
Character Type- Villain
Archetype- Vulgar Villain
Role- Mercenary Type
Gender- Female
Zodiac/Element- Scorpio/Water
Powers- Psychic Type

Physical Traits:
Body Type- Well Defined/Toned
Height- Tall/8ft+
Skin Tone- Light/40%-50%
Face Type- Round Type
Hair Color- Brown Variation
Hair Style- Coiled Type
Hair Length- Short
Eyebrow Shape- Arched
Eye Shape- Hooded Eyes
Eye Color- Brown
Ear Shape- Moderate
Nose Shape- Nubian Nose
Lip Shape- Heart Shaped
Skin Variants- None
Facial Hair- None

Clothing Era- Futuristic Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Fur Type

Hair- Ribbon
Head- Hat
Neck- Tattoo
Left Arm- None
Right Arm- Tattoo
Left Hand- None
Right Hand- Bracelet
Left Leg- None
Right Leg- Leg Band
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- Toe Ring

Weaponry- Blunted Type

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