Will do Ed, trying to keep them in mind but I forget sometimes and things turn out even flatter, haha.
Was gonna wait until later today before I posted but this is in the forefront of my mind and I wanna get it out now.
I realized I've been worrying to much about making things nice and pretty before I post and I'm wasting a lot of my time and getting demotivated because of it. I'm not here to look good and get pats on the back, I'm here to learn and get better. That includes failing hard and repeatedly. Trying to hide that from you all is only going to hurt me, waste my time and defeat the purpose of being here. You can help me see how I failed so I can fix it even better. You've all been telling me my values need work and I appreciate it, I didn't really even realize it until you guys started pointing it out. Right now I really wanna get better at Values, color and texture rendering as everything I do looks like clay. So yeah, incoming failures. Fuck yeah <3
1 hour on each man. first with ref and 2nd applying. He had weird abs, I swear

I realized the next morning how bad the values on cowboy man were(thanks again ed) so I decided to touch it up, then I realized I threw out the ref. So whatever, I did it anyway.