Stace's SB :: Some Girls Like it ROUGH!
Hihi Daggers! My name is Stacy LeFevre, most commonly known as stace! I'm currently 22 years old living in sunny California and finally serious about this art thang. So serious that I'm recovering from tendinitis but am now able to draw for at least a few hours a day, yay! I'm looking to be an illustrator/character and creature designer/fine artist combo. Been eyeing you fine daggers for a while now, but just got the guts to join! Don't be nice to me just because I'm a girl!

My main problem is my laziness, I don't have too many finished works! But here's a few images that I feel like are my strongest works. I do have a wide................range.

[Image: apE_cpa_jabberwocky_finish.jpg]

[Image: slumbercomplete.jpg]

[Image: moon3.jpg]

[Image: sandwich_still1.jpg]

[Image: monsterheads_2.jpg]

[Image: troll_lotusjoy.jpg]

My next post will have some sketches from the last week. :D

Right now I'm doing a daily update on my CGHub sketchbook but I'll be cross posting the updates here as well. Here are my updates since starting this challenge 5 days ago.

A portrait I painted of my great grandma:
[Image: ggmaportrait.jpg]

Creature sketches for a collab with a friend:
[Image: juan_1.jpg]

[Image: juan_2.jpg]

[Image: juan_3.jpg]

Pen sketches at the airport/plane:
[Image: life_airport.jpg]

Headbase to throw up some designs onto:
[Image: caim_headbase.jpg]

Knight studies and one from memory:
[Image: study_knight.jpg]

[Image: mem_knight.jpg]

Bird study:
[Image: blackbird1.jpg]
really interesting range and studies!
sandwich makes me kinda hungry lmao
gen5 - Thanks! That's what everyone says about the sandwich hah.

Kind of a lame day today, pardon the tiny update!

Still life, 1-2 hours.
[Image: stilllife_spraybottle.jpg]

Started on a reference sheet for a friend's 3D model, I forgot how much fun these are!
[Image: amaakirlizardWIP.jpg]

I'm going to look through sketchbooks tomorrow, and I can't wait to do so! ^_^ Until then, take care!
Your digital paintings are pretty awesome. Definitely want to see more.

Sketchbook ▲  Website ▲ TwitterArtStation ▲ Twitch ▲

good stuff, keep it up!

Jonesoda - Hey thanks! I'll definitely post more!

atrenr - Thank you!

It's 4AM, I don't know how I feel about this painting other than it's progress.
[Image: mothgirlcropDONE.jpg]
Really nice sketchbook dude. Looking forward to see more from you. :)
Chrysley - Thank you so much! :heart:

Decided that I didn't like what I did at 4AM so I spent most of today fixing up my last painting.
[Image: mothgirlcropFINISHEDNOMOREre-1.jpg]

And a progress picture from the painting above.
[Image: mothgirlprocess.jpg]
great job on those studies!! Keep it up!!
Great work stace! love the lighting and mood in the dragon piece in the first post. Lookin good, hope you decide to finish that girl character you're currently working on, it's off to a good start.
Woohooo look at who we have here! Not so much to comment on your work for now since I already checked it on fb or your blog :p But nice to see you here! Keep posting : D

Sweet works! im loving the first one, so good! keep them coming!

Jaku - Thank you, will do!

Dennis - Hehe thanks! I guess I'll have to go back and keep working on her, as they say - art is never done.

Isra - Haha but still, always a pleasure to have you around! Thanks for stopping by! :heart:

wla91 - Thank you! :D

My wrist has been acting up a lot lately... Haven't really had the motivation to draw or paint because of it. It's rather frustrating when all I want to do is improve my art, but I guess I need to improve my body first. :(

Just a quick study today. He's very jagged because I lasso'd the figure and painted it like so, haha.
[Image: qoy2is.jpg]
Been exercising! Been feeling good, yeah! Hard to believe the workshop is so soon though, wah.

Here's a quick sketch I did tonight while participating in some streams!
[Image: caim_start.jpg]
Mike said he would yell at me everyday if I don't update. I figure I should start updating this dusty sketchbook!

I'll just post the backlog of September so this doesn't end up being a dump.

[Image: idyllwild_2.jpg]
[Image: idyllwild_3.jpg]
[Image: idyllwild_4.jpg]

[Image: minipg1.jpg]
[Image: minipg2.jpg]
[Image: minipg3a4.jpg]
[Image: minipg5.jpg]
[Image: minipg6.jpg]

[Image: cave_creatures.jpg]

[Image: perspective_coffeeshop.jpg]

Current WIP -
[Image: helldarkup.jpg]
hey stace! great to see you on here :b i just discovered these forums today haha ill be sure to support you on here too! anyways the new stuff is looking good, keep it up!

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