How to make plastic into gold..(Aka Artwork79 )
Title says it all....
We all need to work hard in order to become succesfull in our respective fields.

My name is Toby, im from Denmark ( the little country in scandinavia EU )Im a single-dad to a little princess aged 5, and I love openminded people.

I work as a freelance Illustrator, and just recently became aware of these streams.
And after that, my entire look at my work changed.

I thank you all for keeping me inspired and for remembering why I first wanted to persue this field.

I will update with links to various websites when they are updated.

Until then, take care out there fellow daggers.
Hei Toby! I live in Norway but am actually a Kiwi, good to have another Scandi in the Daggers tho...


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