I think it's finished
Ok, here I will post all my finished works.

Let's start with this one, I always have fun when I draw Eddie :)

[Image: maidenengland.jpg]

For Blood Sports #8 Maxx Marnsten
Captain Spermo chose the wrong period to go on mission!

[Image: denisgualtieribs8.jpg]
Hellllllllll yeah! I love the attitude of this one.

For the Bloodsports #9. Tex Mechs

[Image: bs9denisgualtieri.jpg]

Prometheus fan art.

[Image: prometheusmovieposter.jpg]
More Primetheus :)

[Image: prometheusmovieposter2.jpg]
[Image: speedball.jpg]

Hi daggers!
Recently I've studied Creative Illustration by Loomis and I tried to apply some of his teachings, from composition to color and depth of field. I'm happy with the result, I hope I can do better with the next works... as always! :)

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