is HTML disabled? im confused...
my signature is not reading as a link, instead its just the html, even though it works fine on other sites... im not sure if the html is disabled to keep bots out or what, but i also am unable to post images from URLs to my sketchbook. do i have to upload an image everytime? and is there a way to post images without having them appear as tiny thumbnails? im very confused...
My SketchBook!!!
I got it to work you have " " in the URL, just remove it and it will work
(01-25-2012, 04:48 AM)Diarum Wrote: My SketchBook!!!
I got it to work you have " " in the URL, just remove it and it will work

oh awesome! thanks man!
i have never heard of a favlet that can do that. but you can disable style sheets and javascripts in html pages.
you realize this post is from 2012?


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