Jeremiahs's sketchbook
Posting new sketchbook stuff
Continued from my old sketchbook [LINK]

Attached Files Image(s)

Ive been in and out of painting but finally got myself to a point financially for full time painting and improving

One of the guys from walking dead i think!

[Image: Zombiepaint_zpse7f8f69e.jpg]
[Image: smallres1_zps01f04d8a.jpg]

[Image: FaceStudy_zpse364e587.jpg]
Gave this a paintover today and fixed some things up, Did some Terrible Foot Studies i must of been half asleep i dont know. Also have a page of comp sketches but ill wait till the page is full so im not spamming

[Image: deathprohphetrevisted_zps58989012.jpg]

[Image: FootStudies_zpsbc5ff53f.jpg]
Hey guys
Some studies and a speeeedpaint from the last 3-4 days. I also have a larger illustration
im working on but im worried if i share WIPS ill loose the drive to finish it!

[Image: pacificdimsim_zpsd68f74d3.jpg]
[Image: Somehandstudies_zpsff5b6af9.jpg]
[Image: headdoodles_zps4a4a7f97.jpg]
[Image: Jeansstudy_zps580747b6.jpg]
[Image: BootStudy_zpsb6d5b027.jpg]
[Image: Coloursketches_zpsbc9c8ecd.jpg]
[Image: Comps_zpsaa2a2e04.jpg]
[Image: Landscape_zpse004060d.jpg]
[Image: Fullfigureanatomy_zps6970d466.jpg]
[Image: legstudies_zpscb4ec05d.jpg]
Some more things. Studies, imagination and life.Female faces i feel i rushed hence they look extra bad, Kind of shitty at myself for that

[Image: Meriono_zps10d9cf79.jpg]
[Image: facestudies_zps3b5e08b5.jpg]
[Image: imagineationhands_zps7d7f9638.jpg]
[Image: HandStudies_zps3f53be7a.jpg]
Nice seeing how you get very subtle values going, made me realize how important value is
and...yeah, Hampton rules!
btw nice job on the painting of the pants

[Image: selfportrait_zpscaf8c2d2.jpg]
[Image: starbreezenigz_zpsa96300be.jpg]

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