What tablet do you prefer?
Hey guys what tablet do you prefer intous or cintique? Because i have this job offer of 7 projects on graphic design and page layout and the deal is exchange, 7 projects for a tablet. what's your opinion?
How much work would that actually be? 7 Projects sounds like more work than those pieces of equipment are worth? Anyway It's usually just down to personal preference or which you've used more and are comfortable with. All of us could tell you which one we prefer but I don't think decideding like that would benefit you. Do you not have a shop or something near you where you can try them out?

I will answer your question though. I only have experience using a wacom bamboo so for me I'd go with the intuos. But before making your decision do some research on the products im sure there are many reviews etc on youtube and the net in general. Read up on the products and make an informed decision as to what you believe will be best suited to your needs and the one you believe you will be more comfortable and happy with spending many hours using.

thanks! yeah it's a lot of work but its my last projects. I'm gonna do it anyway so i don't need to do this job on a daily basis because i want to focus more on drawing and painting. I tried bamboo and i'm comfortable with it so i think i will go for the intous.
I use a Cintiq 24'. It definitley has it's ups and downs. On the plus side, it feels perfect for what we do. I draw on the screen just like I would on a paper. On the down side, the darker levels of black all appear the same. If you use the color slider in photoshop, It's not till you get to about 10 that you BEGIN to start seeing a difference. I posted in the finished artwork section a few of my paintings this morning and you'll see the one of Castiel (Angel from Supernatural) his pants were supposed to be nearly black but the value on them is much lighter as you can see.
(10-11-2012, 05:57 AM)Matthew Wrote: I use a Cintiq 24'. It definitley has it's ups and downs. On the plus side, it feels perfect for what we do. I draw on the screen just like I would on a paper. On the down side, the darker levels of black all appear the same. If you use the color slider in photoshop, It's not till you get to about 10 that you BEGIN to start seeing a difference. I posted in the finished artwork section a few of my paintings this morning and you'll see the one of Castiel (Angel from Supernatural) his pants were supposed to be nearly black but the value on them is much lighter as you can see.

oh thanks man! i'll check it out.
(10-11-2012, 05:57 AM)Matthew Wrote: I use a Cintiq 24'. It definitley has it's ups and downs. On the plus side, it feels perfect for what we do. I draw on the screen just like I would on a paper. On the down side, the darker levels of black all appear the same. If you use the color slider in photoshop, It's not till you get to about 10 that you BEGIN to start seeing a difference. I posted in the finished artwork section a few of my paintings this morning and you'll see the one of Castiel (Angel from Supernatural) his pants were supposed to be nearly black but the value on them is much lighter as you can see.

Hi Matt, do you have an app for adjusting the graphics settings on your computer, (like the nvidia support software or AGV etc)? , I have a similar issue with my laptop screen, and i've had to tweak its settings to get a more "correct" value range displayed, and similarly with my second monitor i use, as it naturally has a warmer tone and higher contrast than i'd prefer. (no worries if you've already tried this) I found trying to compare the image my laptop is puting out, with an iphone or smart phone image of the same painting helped me calibrate my monitors better...
I still work with an wacom intuos 3 A5 and completely content. I think what you might like differs from your desired painting techniques, but in my case, A5 is big enough.

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