hi My name is Raymond and im and addict
Howsat ,,, dont know what to say ,,,, i once threw crackers at cars on the freeway from the bridge ,,, and was the kid in school who was always a step behind the crappy maths guy in the corner. but i did draw diablo characters on every page in my schoolbooks. and here i am,,

doing art cuz i suck at everything else that doesnt involve art

im not a native english speaker,and hail from the jungles of South Africa ,,, the so called rainbo nation, as seen on tv,sadly you all know how false those informercials are

ive been doing art for a few years now and for now you can find me here
there is loads of other places but its about 1 am so im gona sleeep now

bey bey
Welcome (:

Welcom here Raymond !
pretty good stuff by th way ;)
Hey Raymond, welcome to the forums!

Feel free to have a look around, set up a sketchbook and join in the fun! :)

hey thank you, guys very much ,,,, nice meetin like minded people

ye likewise thanx, hows the community here

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