Shane's Sketchbook beginner artist
Hello everyone my name is Shane and I currently live in Sweden although I am originally from England. I thought I would start a sketchbook to keep me inspired to paint and hopefully one day inspire others too.

I have never took any lessons in painting everything I have done has been self taught which some might say is a bad thing. Maybe it's true but I don't have the time or money to start to study so I choose to study myself at home. Whether it be painting following tutorials learning different techniques.

I really would like to make a full time job in concept art or even a side job to my current job. Time for a little bit of background I have been painting for about 10-11 months but not as much as I wish I could / should have. Reason being I have a very hands on job with a lot of heavy lifting and very physically hard days. But I really want to make a change and that's why I am here to start a sketchbook and to share my progress with everyone.

I look forward to getting critics and helpful advice to help me progress forward.

Much appreciated

Time to spam some of my latest works. :) I have a lot of older works but this is what I feel I should post now so that I can have something that is not pure beginner looking to compare with.

I got this feeling that I had to jump back into anatomy studies and just pure basics and build up again from scratch and not rush in colour.

Hey there Shane, welcome to the forums! A nice start to your sketchbook so far, you just have to work on some fundamentals. I definitely recommend, if you haven't already, to check out some books by Andrew Loomis, which you can access for free here

Those books will help you out a ton on your art journey and immensely quicken the time you get to your end goals.

Just remember when you do any studies to apply them to some personal work as much as you can, so you can get the most out of them.

Keep it up and welcome!
Thank you Dennis infact now I will update with something I just did after being so inspired by some of the other artists here :)
Apple study I did took me 35 mins. First time I have ever done a life study.

Well it's been way too long. I got a promotion at work so it's took a long time for me to get on top of the work load and back into painting. But I'm back now been studying quite a lot of anatomy even though it's been stressful. Here's something I'm working on just as of now, it's kain from the "Legacy of kain" games most known as Soul reaver.

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