Sula's Sketchbook
@HypnoticGaze: hehe :p Thank you!
@Rama: Thanks <3 yay!
@Jonesoda: <3 Thank you!

Weekend harvest :)
Can't scan the Loki piece yet, just sprayed fixative on it. I was going to use that as a base for a digital color test, but pffft, Sula does over render everything FREAKING thing she touches.

[Image: SB-228.jpg]
[Image: SB-229.jpg]
[Image: SB-230.jpg]

1st attempt to color over pencil lines

[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-55.jpg]

Damn, those portraits are getting really good. Keep on rockin' Urusla <3

@Rama: <3 thanks man!

Things and stuff
[Image: SB-231.jpg]

[Image: SB-232.jpg]

Thanks for all the advice and love ursula <3, This is my first time seeing the portrait at a higher res its so awesome I love how you painted over your drawings that's my all time favorite texture "look" :D

do you have any advice on how you accomplish soft to firm edge control, because im struggling with it with my portrait right now

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
@Toodles: thanks :D I'll leave a proper reply on your sketchbook asap! Just yeah, edges are hard. I have been trying to figure them out for a while. The tl;dr of the reply will be: do master studies. They didnt rely on optical resources too much like we do (photos), so their edges were properly designed.

Here, couple more to end the weekend:
[Image: SB-233.jpg]

You guys have no idea how I am hurting for time. All I need is time, more time, and maaan I don't have enough. :( I need to pratice. I need to move on and it's been IMPOSSIBLE

Love those sketches <3 Again. And if you need time. Well... you sleep approximately 6-8 hours. When I need time I sleep less xD Don't recommend it though.

your compositions are so great ;O love the elve with the city in the back.

@Rama: haha yep, I am doing the best I can without zombie-ing out the next day. Have been doing 5-6h for almost an year now.
But hey, maybe we can always push harder.
@Nimao: yay thanks <3

[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-56.jpg]

queen of elves and all things satyr right hur ladies and gen'lmen

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
This last image is fantastic! The pallette and brush strokes are excellent, Love it <3! Also nice loki drawing, watched the second thor film recently, very good! Keep doing what you do :).

Your stuff is great and I stumbled upon your works on Chris Oatleys website:

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
That last portrait made me audibly "woah". So so good. The palette's fantastic. The only thing I'd mention is the near eye looks a little flat? Not a big thing though, only noticed because I was staring at it for so long lol. Love it :D

Keep it up Sula :)

Pencillllls <3

Yea just move the eye a bit to the right, maybe mouth as well if u plan to work more on that lady.

Ah-mazing! -- you've improved SO much since I've been gone! :D
[Image: mind-blown.gif]
*cue training montage*

Well, I'm on 5-6 hours rutine for almost a year myself. And what I found that I can push it to like 3-4 hours a day but then after three days I simply pass out and sleep for 12 hours xD. Love newest portrait <3

Wow, I am blown away. So many good images just looking through this sketchbook. Its amazing to see and really inspirational, makes me want to straight back in to drawing.
The last portrait is a really tight value range, but it works. Do you have any tips on how to achieve this? Whenever I try a limited value range it looks weird and doesnt work at all. The answer is probably just pracitse though :P

You guys are the best <3
@Toodles: haha I can only wish! <3 Thank you!
@JonHop: Thank you :D I am trying! hehe
@Kern: Oh, thanks! I can't wait for painting drama 2, the first one was amazing. Life changing stuff.
@JakeB: Woot thanks :D And haha I hadn't notice that! I need to flip my sketches more.
@iCi: Yup! I'll grab the file from work and polish that up just a wee bit. Thanks!
(You guys have no idea how that was just a quick sketch and I was trying to let go of being all realistic. Really glad to get so positive reactions <3)
@Heliux: <3 Thank you!
@Rama: Thank you! And don't push yourself too hard, we still need to function in the morning you know
@Jaik: Thank you! Oh, the values. Right. It is pretty simple actually - I filled it in with a slightly darker than midtone. Then built a bit of light. Then carved out a bit more of shadow. Then light. Repeat. Be subtle with your shifts, respect your light hierarchy (my top values are on the light on the right), and made the darker values just around the eyes. I suppose I could push it a bit more, but I like this misty feeling I get at this point.

Here, a WIP.
I am not sure how I feel about this (it can be sunday night blues too)
[Image: Gwyn01.jpg]

Woah! Every time I visit your sketchbook I am amazed, you've made so much progress Sula! I feel so happy seeing all these awesome pieces!

Great work and please keep them coming! :D


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