few of my most recent pieces
Um...not sure what to aks for advice wise, but any critiquing would be appreciated...(be gentle ish XD)
First piece was referencing a screen shot from 13 assassins film,
2nd, a portrait of a friend from a few photos she'd taken
3rd, same friend, trying a new (to me) way of colouring over B/W underpainting
4th a GW piece of fan art

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amazing what the right brush for the task can achieve...and not getting carried away with the unsharp mask lol...reedited this with a more conducive brush for blending edges

I noticed that your pieces are either all overly saturated or go the other way to muted. You could try a mix, use your muted colours on background and keep the saturation for where you want the focus to be. Don't be afraid to mix it up and use different brushes as some of these seem to be done with the same brushes as you see the same texture throughout the image.

(10-23-2012, 03:01 AM)Laura_H Wrote: I noticed that your pieces are either all overly saturated or go the other way to muted. You could try a mix, use your muted colours on background and keep the saturation for where you want the focus to be. Don't be afraid to mix it up and use different brushes as some of these seem to be done with the same brushes as you see the same texture throughout the image.

Yup, I've not been able to calibrate my monitors very well (partial excuse) but i need to work on better colour depth with my pics, (one screens very saturated no matter what i do, and the other seems to drain all colour, but its adjustment seems to also either be mega saturated or very muted...i had it sussed a while back, then the graphics driver updated and reset everything, so i need to spend an hr or so redoing it at some point lol) ...and texture brushes, I'll try and vary them a bit more as well.
Thanks for the suggestions, its funny, i pick up a little each time, and then semi forget other stuff. I'm hoping with getting on with more, more info will stick in my mind

really tried with this one on using a complex-ish (for me) perspective on the background, and mute more of the colour so it wasn't all saturated

not sure if i've grasped soft edges..tried with this one to not define receding sections ...I'll get it eventually

I will master the use of lighting eventually...think the time has come to do other types of pieces for a few weeks, so hopefully the last 40k piece for a while (addict talk). Next start working on 3 value composition properly and see what i can achieve with that.
speedy ish painting, working up the previous speed painting, wanted to try an under water scene...found it quite hard to refrain from specular highlights being everythings wet...pleased with bits of it...couldn't nail the tentacles, real ones look veeerrrrry different from the ones i've seen in a lot of work, annd i should have gone to reference sooner rather than halfway through...will try and rework those at some point

You've definitely got a strong grasp of color theory, don't you, lol!...I like how you chose to play with color saturation and soft and hard edges...mixing these things together in a single piece of artwork would be totally dynamic with your style. ;) :)
(11-30-2012, 09:17 AM)bmarcel85 Wrote: You've definitely got a strong grasp of color theory, don't you, lol!...I like how you chose to play with color saturation and soft and hard edges...mixing these things together in a single piece of artwork would be totally dynamic with your style. ;) :)

thanks man :) i need to re upload these, i'd mucked about with the gamma settings again before painting the last 4...trying to get the perfect screen display, and made it worse, so the contrast is way off. I reset the graphics card settings and noticed all the paintings i'd fav'd on DA suddenly had a whole range of detail i'd not noticed at the bottom end of the value spectrum. I've realised i should just leave the settings at standard lol so I went over these and re edited the contrast a bit, its not a huge difference, but the assassn piece her suit was meant to be a much darker brown/black as opposed to red. on my DA page the corrected pictures are up http://eztarg8.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d5k34hx

it's weird, anything above a mid grey in value is at the correct contrast, but anything below was way off

i think i need to work on limited palette images next....but i keep gettng pulled towards a lot of colour lol

recent commission, for someones son.

I'm enjoying looking at your pieces man, I can see improovement in each piece, If I can five you advice is to just keep painting and work on anatomy and stuff, we learn something new with every piece, be weary of tangents and edges too, good job :) can I get your opinion on my zombie knight if I may http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-1934.html


kinda pleased with the right hand side...ish, think i need to practice rendering/shading forms more subtly

be colouring this, but sort of reached finishing point with this as is...for the moment


need a few tweaks to this, but hopefully getting better at picking up on anatomy errors and proportion balance.

not sure what i was practicing with painting this...trying just using a soft brush, and deliberately unrendering sections as heavily i suppose, for more defined (comparitively) focal points

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