Portfolio Class- Character Development!
Hello everyone I hope all is going well. Due to some personal issues i probably wont be able to do the assignments for the rest of this class. I just wanted to thank everyone, especially Dan for all the help. I've definitely learned a lot and wish every one of luck on their artistic endeavors. HAPPY HOLIDAYS
went back and made some revisions to my arthur, and also did some values for my morgan, im leaning more towards 1 or 3...possibly 3, i plan to use cool colors in her outfit to counter merlin's warn color scheme

[Image: vivalarussia2-1_zps4203074d.jpg]

[Image: morgan5_zps2739bb4d.jpg]
Hey PTimm, I really like your designs, there's one thing though with your Morgans 2 and 3: The way she's holding her head reminds me of a lot of paintings and statues of saints when they see the holy ghost or have an epiphany or stuff like that. You know what I mean? just google bernini or michelangelo or da vinci or whomever you want, their saints and angels all have those tilted heads. So with that allusion in my head, to me your Morgan looks like such a nice person. Like she's singing to a flock of birds or something :D I don't want to be mean, it's just what I see. So maybe you want to try some other head positions? Or maybe not, maybe it's just me. ^^

Hey guys really late to the whole class but wanted to join on in I didnt want to do a repeat of what people have already chosen, and I was having some trouble picking a time period, not sure if this is too close to being medieval or not but I decided to pick ancient roman and wanted to make king arthur a type of gladiator sort of "king of the ring" merlin being his owner and morgan and mordred being the opposing owner and gladiator type. looked at alot of roman paintings and armors, need to do more studies but trying to keep the process similar to how everyone started out not really expecting alot of crits since everyone is moving along alot further ahead of where I am, but feel like I will still post here and hope to catch up with you guys! Great work everyone! Here is my first idea for arthur playing around with the lion in the armor.

Hey guys hope everyones having a good holiday. sooo started adding a little color after i felt the sketch was looking fine, woke up this morning and completely hated her so i just wrote down some of the flaws i saw. unbelievable how i didnt see this in the sketch and how i felt the sketch was fine when it was looking grossly disgusting and broken, back to the drawing board, idk how much time we have to finish this but i dont want to continue if its lacking in the sketch and concept, so I may not finish this one on time with the dudes in the class. Idk if dans gonna get to my character on his stream and I want her to be a step forward from merlin instead of back, so if anyone sees anything go ahead and talk to me!

*He who says he can and he who says he cant are usually both correct*
So I'm going to the workshop! - I can focus on this again now. I'm really struggling with the cool lighting, especially on her face. It's supposed to be pretty much white because she's a geisha, because the shadows are warm.. are they pink? what am i doing. help

still a work in progress ofcourse D:

[Image: morgan_wip1.jpg?t=1355691146]
@thomas: i think i know what you mean. the face looks a bit too bright to me, but still it is supposed to be white. the light from behind is a good idea for the dramatic look, but maybe you want to try something else. because on the left side the snake/dragon appears in front of her, you could lighten the shadows a bit on this side of her face, while darken the right side. maybe in the shadows you play a bit with the green light coming from the bottom to keep the dangerous feeling.
can't think of anything else - great job!
David, Nice to see your smashing the problems lol. The painting in general looks pretty sweet, and as long as your catching the issues at this point, I'm sure it'll come out awesome. Keep it up man, she looks dead evil lol.

Thomas, Yeah man, lighting's a bitch. I know why you're going warm in the shadows, but you can probably give yourself a little bit of a license to play with it, because it is getting pretty purple. That might just be because you've got the same sort of colours in the clothing as in the face. And atm, the clothes are reading as a pinky/purple material. I dno, it's a tough one. As I've been writing this, I've been looking at the piece for too long, and don't know what I think any more. So yeah.... Good luck ;). Oh, and glad you got your shit sorted, I'll see you at the workshop :).

This is where I'm at though, struggling with the uplighting, feel like I'm getting somewhere with the colours though... Maybe.. Not... It's haaaaard.

[Image: file-414.jpg]
HiRes http://blog.ohbullocks.com/post/38102884220/morgan-wip

Hey guys,

I'm still struggling with my poses for Morganne but I'm very happy with this one. Also I'm trying different designs for her clothes to makes thing more interesting. Female characters uselessly only wear a big "coat" with a sort scarf wrapped around the waist. As I'm trying to incorporate the fox idea more i came up with this. Still a ruff line art, but i wanted to post it anyways :)

[Image: 24.jpg]
[Image: 25.jpg]

fyi, I'm going to put light swirls around her hands and fingers that flies from hand to the other.
@emooi-- this pose is muuuuch better than the last one. the variety you bring to it is good. maybe make her hands more tensed like she is exerting force. again, for the costume, i'm not an expert, you'll need to consult dan. (i'm not an expert at gesture either but I know more about that than costume design. :) keep it up man.
for those who missed it!

good luck this week.

Oops got the days mixed up and missed out. Oh well, hopefully Dan doesn't see anything in the color sketch that i really need to change in my final version :D. Thanks to anyone kind enough to take the time to crit/comment my latest version seeing as i was incompetent enough to miss the submission xD.

[Image: MorganaFinish1.jpg]

edit -

After watching the crit on youtube, Dan reminded me that i forgot to post ref

[Image: Morganref.jpg]

Nice try on the six more vodka guess, but i hadn't seen them. Looking at them now though, i totally would've have copied them so fair call xD. Looking at the 'finished' hat, would people agree i could've just copied this ref more directly? I get the sinking feeling he's right :( .

so basically I'm starting over since I have two extra weeks to work on this with no school in the way. If I were to not work on this with two free weeks of break and little to no responsibilities, I'd be an idiot. Basically right now I'm going for what tells the story best. I'm thinking pose b works best since it doesn't tack on anything and tells critical things about the story. As for the clothing design I just wanted to sketch in the masses so I don't have to redo it incase it is flawed. also, I worked the ones the most that didn't seem to fit just to not rule them out too fast. But it seems b works best. opinions? comments? suggestions? glad to hear from you guys even if the comments are negative. :)

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Big thanks again to Dan :) Did a quick paintover I hope this works better.
[Image: mor4.png]
jmob: I'd go with a, because her right arm in b and c is too long (although it seems a little wrong in all three versions) and also because I don't get how being pregnant or holding a baby is supposed to help the character. =)
Also I prefer the wavy skirt to the one in the middle, it gives more dynamics to the piece. Although you maybe want to watch out for the parallel lines her staff and skirt are creating? If you changed the position of her staff, it would give you a chance to lose the awkwardness of the whole arm situation and your composition could change into a triangle instead of this trapeze-like thing you have going which is less dynamic since you have two parallel lines on the sides (left: staff and leg, right: skirt) and two on the bottom and top (staff holding arm and bottom of skirt). You could also just move the staff a little so it doesn't look like it's coming out of her leg anymore and lower her arm, because: why would anyone hold a staff like this, it looks completely uncomfortable :D unless she's holding it up in the air, which I can't see because of the leg =)
I hope this is of any help and not complete nonsense =)

ah thanks for the honest reply. :) here's my revision. will post my thoughts later as i have to be somewhere very soon.

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thanks for the Critt Dan!

tried to fix what you mentioned.

i just don't get the snake movment right

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http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf...00x450.jpg Here's an idea of where you can go with it. you can make the snake the same size yet changes should probably be changed to the overall gesture of the snake since it seems a bit stretch of the imagination for the snake to be suspended in air as it is. The image I linked is of a "flying" snake. Their bodies become compressed so that they glide or I guess that's what us humans suppose. Maybe implement that dynamic into the snake. As for your colors, my eye goes directly to the snake since you use a lot of black in your color pallet. Also, her right arm that is closest to the snake, the forearm is too small. anyways, I hope this helps. keep up the good work man, gogogogogogogo.
[Image: morgane3_zps442ad904.jpg]

[Image: morgancolors_zpscdd60d17.jpg]

thanks for the awesome feed back dan! I feel like im on the right track now...i hope? I can't remember being so frustrated with a piece before, but perhaps i was never aware of what i was doing wrong, or didnt challenge myself enough...probably both. anyways love all the designs peeps!

edit: popped in some colors
what do you guys think? i like the second more.
but is it too much?

want to get the snake right before i
start rendering it more

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