A vagabond's sketchbook
I love the fist one, It got some nice brushwork. Keep posting ;3

some stuff from the last few days.

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Some nice stuff in this update ;) Keep pushing and maybe try to polish a painting once a while. To see how far you can go with the refinement ;) Cheers!

That daredevil in #144 looks really good; anatomy wise and color wise! It sorta gave me a marko vibe.

I like your ideas and sketches throughout here. Your constructions kinda get away from you a bit, but you know how to correct these things, so it's no biggie. Keep it up.

@rama yeah i started a piece that Im gonna go trough.Should keep myself reminded constantly about edge work.

@Manny yeah I started it as a tribute to Marko's work, since im a big fan of his,but god knows when im gonna finnish that lol.

@Fren Construction is always a hustle for me, but I just can't seem to find a descent book or dvd about it that doesn't go to ridiculous arcitectural detail that fry your brain with technical jibberish.

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Heeey, nice start of the image. You choose to attack very hard angle. Try to find some references of this type of camera lens shots it will serve to your benefit. Right now the anatomy of this dude is a bit broken (he should be more foreshortened for my taste). I love the colors and overall mood your going for. Can't wait to see future updates for this piece. Cheers!

Yeah after much concideration and input I decided to ditch the fisheye lense and just focus it as a character piece.What I'm having issues with ,however is how to effectively separate the value ranges between the water and the ship itself.character seems to be fine in terms of value range but when I squit my eyes the ship and the waters sorta blend together.

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Starting to look good there, keep up the hard work!

Nice. The piece is coming along nicely. I kinda know what you mean with the value range. Water blends with the rest of the piece. Remember that water will never be only orange hue. It Will be darker value than the rest of the image. Find some references on the subject. They should help. I did really quick paint over and grabed view refs to show you what i mean. Hope it helps.

[Image: iDS5ceG.jpg]
[Image: dpaint2a.jpg]
[Image: sunset_mountains_ocean_painting_olga_kuczer.jpg]

@Rama Thanks for the advice.I appreciate it.

Daily spitpaint Topic: Long beard
some color and material studies.Also Im a sucker for Ken Block lol.

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takin a break from studies and just messing around

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first time trying to actually sketch the thumbs.

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a last doodle/study of Fightpunch for the year .

See ya in the new one.

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First post for 2014 woot.

Something Zhong Feng Hua inspired.I messed up and spend all my study time on this...

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photo color studies

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back to figure drawing today.
10sec -30sec - 1min - 5min - 30 min then an hour.

edge and line control is a horror movie for me.

And another Fightpunch doodle.Trying to photobash. Maan that just isn't for me.

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Self portret. 1.5hr. Colors were a nightmare but Im guesssing my lighting setup is pretty balls as well.But it's a start I suppose.

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Some doodles after i watched some Anthony Jones and tried to emulate his technique on approaching form.

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Random painty sketch .some mech thumbs,update to that demon hunt piece and some exploring for a homage piece from my new love, to my old one.

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