Ed's Sketchbook
So this is the first character concept that I talked about in deathline. I'll put my updates on here instead on the deathline form.

[Image: Day1silhouette.jpg]

[Image: Day1Character.jpg]
Study of the day.

[Image: RebeccaSlate.jpg]
The latest update. It's not moving the way I want it to be and it's been more than 3 days, so much for following deathline. I will continue though, what I can learn in the process is what's important. However, a broken promise is a broken promise, no excuse.

[Image: Day1Charactera.jpg]
Had to nuke the entire thing and rework it, but it's much more approachable now(to me at least).

[Image: Day1Charactercolor.jpg]
Did somes studies in between to get the lighting and anatomy correctly.

[Image: Day1Charactercolora.jpg]
Man it's 3:30 in the morning but I'm super excited! It's getting close to be done!

[Image: Day1Charactercolora3.jpg]
Something colorful this time.

[Image: RestingPlace.jpg]

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