Jon's Sketchbook with stuff
I've got to go soon, so i can't upload a much more than what i've got on my blog already. Hope you enjoy, and please feel free to crit. Just a study and a quick one from the head.

whoa those came out huge, wtf lawl

ack, i screwed this up, just look at this blog. that's easier. ill upload more stuff to this forum tomorrow.
Niiice! I really like the more abstract pieces (pic 5+6). They've got interesting brushstrokes and shapes and are very inspiring to me.
can't get images to stick to new reply, whats up with that?

ok now it works >:(

More tomorrow, will shoot actual "sketchbooks"

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I normally don't care for it, but your abstract stuff is pretty cool. Also, sometimes posting images breaks for afew minutes, or at least that is my experience.

(11-08-2012, 06:35 AM)natzetta Wrote: Niiice! I really like the more abstract pieces (pic 5+6). They've got interesting brushstrokes and shapes and are very inspiring to me.

accidently knocked those off i think, can't remember which were which, buit i'll put up everything i mistakenly took down and more tomorrow. And Thanks!

(11-08-2012, 12:15 PM)atrenr Wrote: I normally don't care for it, but your abstract stuff is pretty cool. Also, sometimes posting images breaks for afew minutes, or at least that is my experience.

Well i suppose that means i should take it as a big compliment? haha, tha's enough out of me for tonight. Thanks for the kind words!

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Really cool style you have going here, the random shapes/noise in your paintings get filled in as buckles, shoulder pads etc by my brain automatically. Very interesting!

WIPs and a quick land scape from the imagination after a a quicker study. Need to work on landscape and architecture.

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BLEHCK! shitty times for art makings, part time work dominates my day. Hence two weeks notice. Peace out Grocery store, more paintings since i dont have much to show :/

scanning sketchbooks has proven...lousy, will use DSLR tomorrow morning

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More to come later today

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aaaand some WIPs, progress, and the one qith the guy with a thingy on his head, i feel like i'm working in circles, maybe time for a reboot on it?

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Loving your sketching underneath the paint, keep up the good work

trying my hand at speed painting and quick character sketching with color. all that i had time for this morning, off to work at the grocery store. Glad i quit this lousy job, 5 more shifts!

oh and thank you Laura_H for both greeting me and the kind words. I work expressly from my imagination and have only begun to use under drawings again. i figure its better to sketch it out for a client so they can see where you are going before one puts to much work in and has to change it.

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spent too much time doodling in graphite this morning, but i got this rough color block in for my Phil Hale Johnny Bad Hair homage. :heart: CANT FREAKING WAIT TO GET BACK TO THIS! but i have to go to my poopy job again. lotsa hours this week. will post drawings from paper sketchbooks tomorrow.

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rough day, heres a few like i promised. will shoot a few more and post, then im gonna kick back for a change.

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i love your style with traditional work! would be great to see this brought into your digital work more
otherwise some nice compositions, i think you could use a little work on your values, but keep it up!

(11-22-2012, 07:22 AM)mindwrack Wrote: i love your style with traditional work! would be great to see this brought into your digital work more
otherwise some nice compositions, i think you could use a little work on your values, but keep it up!

YES! criticism! Not to sound cocky, but it's getting harder to get my hands on some. Thanks man. I'll have to do some more B&W studies (been awhile) and thumb through "The Dimensions of Color". I'm struggling to figure out a good way to get what i have in oil into digital. Probably new media jitters, and the unending forgiveness of the media makes me default to polishing polishing polishing. thanks again for the tips on what to look out for!
AAAAAND I'm back! Life has been Cra-hazy. Got a girl :) still dont have a new job :( and more details i wont bore you with. Any how, taking Mindwrack's advice looking at values (grayscale tones) and trying to bring my Painting style(s) into my digital more and more. Here's an example. using my own photography, and some good ole' improv.

and a WIP im stuck on at the moment.

Got to go back to the studio and shoot some new finishes and WIPs. Cheers!
You got some cool and interesting stuff going on in here, I'd love to be as dynamic with my pieces as you are, great job! And thanks for leaving a comment in my sketchbook!

wow great stuff, its all so dynamic its unreal! so much texture too, really brings a lot of life to your pictures.

paintings! tiny square(ish) one's! current 'states' from today.

and some 'mid states'

working into semi-opaques with this one

Oh yes! Thank you very much Jaik and Mythtaken!

And Mythtaken... If you can be a bit more specific i can try and help! I love your stuff. I think you're going to be very very good, very soon. You're already good.

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