Darren's Sketchbook
I'll be posting studies here everyday from now on.

First time being on a forum, and here's my first study! I saw the list of classes in the mentoring section, and decided to take on Sick-brush's course, so here's what I did so far today, I plan to catch up to the class within a month (at the latest)!

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welcome Darren, keep going with those studies!

Thanks Eduardo! Here's the next bit, African people, or people of African ancestry. Got these done a bit faster than the last 6. My lines are becoming more precise and i'm starting to notice patterns in facial structure and what not (plus I read a bit of a face anatomy book today). Tomorrow will be Asians.

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Somehow found the willpower for this haha. 1 More portrait batch to go.

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Nice work on the face studies, keep it up!

Done. That was... satisfying. Now i'mma do some studies on a couple things I've been having issues with.

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Whew, been a while! Yeah due to pre-finals work and finals (also that short laziness period after the semester ends) I took a break from studies, but i'm back! With some backs!

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Haven't been sticking true to posting on here everyday, and while i'm drawing daily, I'm not doing my studies. Need to change that for sure. Here are some gesture warmups I did for today.

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More studies! Getting into a study routine so i'll be posting here to stay motivated.

Annnd One more. This was a line study but I used a previous study's values to fill it in, it was fun to do as I got colors I would have never thought to use otherwise.

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Especially nice work on the armor study, good attention to detail.
(04-26-2013, 07:38 AM)Chavreaper Wrote: Especially nice work on the armor study, good attention to detail.

Thanks dude! I spent a lot of time on it.
Here's today's study, I'm probably going to take this to finish tomorrow. This is all I did for studies today, have a contest deadline coming up, so I was working on that piece.

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Gettin ready for Bloodsport 16, going to use this time to level up as much as I can with composition. Most studies won't be pretty until I figure out what kind of piece i'm going to be doing for the bloodsport. Till I get a solid idea, i'm just going to be focusing and learning composition, and doing thumbnail sketches of possible ideas.

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A rather quick study from Prometheus. This shot caught my eye, the way the light gets choked out is too cool, I wanted to capture that mood! So yeah, after watching Prometheus, i've decided on a cheesy alien horror theme for my bloodsport piece! Time for some major studyin.

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Hey! My advice would be to keep on working on your anatomy, you're definitely on the right track! :) Try to keep your strokes less messy and to think about where each stroke should go and why exactly is it going to help you achieve the same effect as it is in the reference even if they don't look exactly the same. Here's an example of such a way of painting -

Thanks for the feedback Othrandir, I see what you mean, stroke efficiency right? That artist is pretty awesome, thanks for the link as well :D. I'll keep that in mind while i'm workin from now on.

I posted these to the Bloodsport 16 Wip section, but I might as well post them here too :P.

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Did some forest studies today, and applied the studies to some personal work.

Definitely going to keep at the forest studies till I feel comfortable with the subject. Since I feel like environments are my weakness, i'm going to be doing focused studies, switching my focus every two weeks or so. Should be a good way to get it done. Today's day 1 of Forest/Jungle studies.

Also did a quickie portrait.

And here's where I left off on my Bloodsport piece :| I'll do better next time for sure :P.

Definitely been slackin on studies. I've been drawing everyday, but mostly just on random pieces that I don't end up taking to finish. Let's see about getting into the habit of studying daily...

Here's a self-portrait I did this morning. I doodled on some random ethnic looking markings to avoid getting burnt out on the portrait... so that's where that came from.

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Going to start my days with still lives and gestures.

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Went to a wedding this morning so I did my study just now. Totally half assed it because I was feeling pretty burnt, but I still learned something about the color red. It's annoying. No but seriously, even the 30 minutes I put into the study gave me a bit back, pretty sweet.

So yea, also painted this thingy when I got back from the wedding, took 4-5 hours. I think.


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