
I'm ŝarko. It's Greek for Shark. I'm 23 and enjoy digital art. My goal is to work with Computer Animation and 3D in general however I also enjoy digital art in general. After High school I stopped drawing as much and eventually feel like I haven't progressed forward. I like Drawing Animals a lot, and humans, mix of the two. Lately I've been into scenes and sci-fi though I never really finish anything past the "sketch" phase.

I'm my hardest and biggest critique. Have no friends that are artists and thought it would be really cool to have some for inspiration and learning. I hung around Concept Art for awhile but got no responses probably due to the size of that community.

Don't really like "classifying" my art. I loved to draw animals in High School so friends of mine pointed me to the "Furry" art. While some of those artists are great I'm overall just kind of a bit in everything. Love drawing anthro/feral animals/ Humans / made up races / robots / scifi/ scenes. So I wouldn't say I'm more one than another - just an artist looking to expand and grow.

Look forward to meeting some of you and sharing the growing experience that is art.
Hey! welcome to the community! :D


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