Arch's Book of Stuff
Here's a sorta quick thing I made to get printed for the video game tournament thing. There's gonna be three more I'll try to be doing. I'm a pretty big fool doing all these last minute...

I'm planning on doing Haku-men, Painwheel, and Akuma. Also, Dave is great. All of this was inspired by his tutorial. It was nice to actually use some digital lines which is something I never really do, and it felt wonderful! There will be more soon.

Here's another I managed to finish today. Hakumen is really awsome. Really getting into this Dave style, it's so much fun.

<3 Blazblue
<3 Hakumen

Adrian- Yeah, I played Blazblue a few times. Hakumen was my favorite char, though. His design is great.

Here's one special favorite of mine. Painwheel was my main when I played Skull Girls forever ago. :D

Here's some recent sketchbook stuff. I've got some more pages awaiting scans that I want to get back to and touch up. (Sorry for the sloppiness of the scans.)

-Aside from school work for class, painting will be taking a slight back seat to drawing as I really want get down to the rawness of it all and work on my construction and confidence. Lately I've been feeling slightly directionless, although I do know where I am heading at the same time with art, it's sorta weird. Haha.

I really like the clarity of the line work in your sketches.
That style looks like alot much fun. Hakumen is ridiculous, you can't get close without getting slapped by a giant sword.
This is good as much as its weird. Good stuff man keep havin fun

Nice stuff man, those pics in Daves style are really turning out well and the sketchbooks are looking good too. Looks like your line quality is on the up too!
So cant really give any crits this time, but just keep pushing on! :)

StardustLarva- Thanks, man. Still trying to work some kinks out, and glad to hear there's visible progress.

Ben- Dave's style is really fun to work in, I suggest giving it a shot. Hakumen is awsome, indeed.

iCi- Thanks. Having fun is what it's all about, right? :D

Jaik- Hey, man! Thanks a bunch, and will do. Always gotta keep twerking the art thang harder everyday.

Here's some sketches did during the tournament thing. It was really fun, I had a great time with friends and chatting up people at the place. Again, sorry for the quality of the scans and the dirtiness. Haha.

Here's a thing. Practice of some sort of something that's. . . ye'.

Moving on. More practice and studies damnit.

Gonna start a daily dump to keep regular. Plenty of fiber in the paper; some sketchbookery.

-I'm trying to do new things, so bare with me while I attempt to get more interesting with oddly shaped limbs and awkward poses/body proportions.



Painwheel‘ one is awesome - love how dynamic it is. Lines, color choices, shading, everything dynamic and bold! Love it.

Trying new things and experimenting is great, sometimes you have to be daring and risk getting weird results in order to achieve new and even cooler things!

Painting in #231 lacks some light on the figure I think - while it is interesting with the dark foreground and character, a little bit of rim/reflected light on him, or maybe a tiny light ray somewhere that hits him would add another layer of interest. Cool design though!

Wohoo daily updates! Keep it up! :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Maaaaan what a great SB you got going on here!! I've been scrolling trough the pages and there's some really cool stuff. I was particularly impressed with the armor studies, for me that kind of stuff is an utter and burning pain in the butt, and you tossed them there like no biggie! Also the punching animation was pretty cool, it conveyed that animeish style of BOOM kind of punch.

I also dig a lot your values and colors, pretty nice picks and a lot of evolution trough the sketchbook. The designs are coming along, but I think that if you practiced some study designs it would be just incredible.

My only two crits:

a) Line quality: while already quite ok, I think that thinking more before putting a line down would boost their beauty and effectiveness to the next level, it's a pain in the butt and it slows you down the first couple of weeks, but when you get used to it it gives you a lot of good stuff and it also translates to painting most of the time. What you did in those one liner sketches for example is a great example of that and it has paid off big time, so keep it up.

b) Face structure: Your faces are improving gradually compared to the ones from a few pages back, but they still need some work. It's just a pain in the goddamn asshole, it requires a humongous amount of studies to get them kinda right ( mine still lack a fuckton) but it's key since the less convincing the face, the more it takes away from your piece. For example, the mage you did with the staff , had he had a better proportioned face would already be at pro level, but the face takes away a lot of points, and , since it's always a main focus you gotta be carefull with that shit. It's always better to hint it than rendering them fully if you're not convinced on where you wanna go with them.

Hope I didn't sound harsh, I really like your stuff and I feel that your progression is great, but I always like when people give me crits, so I try to give something back whenever I can hehe.

Keep up the great work man, you're reaching a very cool place, and I suspect this is just the begining! ;)

Lyraina- Thanks, it turned out being one of the most difficult and my favorite at the same time as well. I definitely agree with being more daring. Anatomy is something I've been terrified of for as long as I can remember, and characters are something I love the most, haha. It was about time I go to doing "scary" things.

I might go back to the guy. If I do I'll definitely be adding in those changes. Thanks again! :D

Suria- Hey, man. Thank you for all the feedback, I really appreciate it and it wasn't harsh at all. It always makes me really happy to hear someone likes my stuff.

Anyways, I agree with you on every point. It's definitely given me some much needed direction and I'll continue working on heads as well as the line work. Heads have always been a sticking point for me, they are such fickle things. If only everyone just wore a bag on their head, then maybe it wouldn't be a problem. :P

Thanks again. Time to study up!

I've been looking through Algen's huge archive of studies, there's so much he's done, so much attentiveness and constant work being put in. It's all so inspiring to just keep going and staying focused on learning. So, more pencils. I didn't have much time today because of shitty school work and my dumb-dingus self fluffing off into magical animoo land.

- Luckily tomorrow I have school and a sweet 3 hour sketch period with nothing else to do! Usually it's my time for applying. :D
(Ugly scans are ugly)

So sorry I didn't post anything yesterday! School and such. I ended up socializing with other beings and did some human things including making a couple new friends in class!

Gotta do more, gotta get better, gotta figure it out. Here's today's stuff. Some gestures and pose studies. The heads are from imagination and some reference. Feeling like I am learning stuff.

I'm trying to build a routine so that eventually this all becomes second nature, so bare with me while I adjust and things slowly look more pretty.

I also need find a better way to make my scans not look so trashy. . . it's bothering me.

- See you tomorrow! :]]

Ah nice take on that Dave style, nice lines and color choices. Also digging the sketches :) keep up dat posting

Socializing! That's important, we're social creatures after all. What dpi are you scanning? Scanning bigger than I need (in color, even if it's just pencil) and then making them smaller for posting helped for me. Don't think yours look trashy though - just as if the scanner is eating away some of the lighter lines sometimes.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Wait, you're still in school? Totally kicking ass, try to draw the friends or draw on them too. :)

Thanks guys. :']

Pnate- Man, you know it! Can't wait to see the topic tomorrow! I'll be making time for it, no doubt.

Lyraina- Yeah, friends are so great! Gonna be drawing my ass off all the same. I scan at 300 dpi, really large, same as you and I think scanning in color made 'em better. Thanks for the tips!

Rafa- Thanks meng! Yeah, I've got roughly 4 more months left till I'm finished with college, though. Pretty scary. Haha. I should draw my friends more, usually we all end up drawing other stuff. :P

Today's stuff. It always seems like I could've done more. Algen's been really inspiring me, so I think it called for some Algen-esque exercises. Imagination/Reference/Studies.

Gonna hone in on more legs, arms and torso's as they've been confusing me a lot. I've really been thinking a bunch about how the actual "figuring it out" portion of drawing works. It's like you draw a shape so many times you can become familiar with it, or you come to a better understanding where you have the control/confidence that makes for better draftsmanship. At least that's how I feel it when I rumble it all around in my head. Just a thought. :]

Tomorrow, Daggers! I'll be better tomorrow!


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