Arch's Book of Stuff
wow great stuffs here, your design is coming along very well.
nothing to crit man ! i like your stuffs esp. the fighter gurl up there !

Come over here and puff up your chest so I can pin a bigass medal in the form of a hunter's badge for making that awesome Bloodborne pic up there :D You've developed your skills a lot since last i peeked in here!

That crit you recieved from ImSkeptical sure is a nice one. I think that it'll help you improve your dynamic lighting tons by working with silhouettes. Seeing how much of the figure can be obscured by shadow while still being readable is a real sweet practice. And it's fun to take a silhouette block-in of a lineart and adding a bit color to the shadow + bounce light for some fast mood-application. Keep doing the hard work!

Cyprinus- Thank you! Definitely gonna try and keep the train rolling! :D
foxfire1345- Thanks!
Adzerak- Haha, I'll gladly accept that hunters badge! Thank you, and yes, he really did help me out a lot with that crit. I learned a lot on how focusing in on a subject can really help improve and promote growth.

Some study, and some more sketches. I really need to get back to work on my portfolio, and bang out some more finished pieces soon. There are a lot of older things that I'd like to revisit as well.

Somehow I'm lucky enough to have gotten some freelance. It doesn't pay all that much, so I'm grateful for being allowed to live at home rent free, with only my school loans to worry about. Networking is seriously important because I've gotten all my work through others, and it's pretty shit I've not actively been searching.

As I go through this whole being a "professional" thing, because I'm completely done with school now and need work (scary). I'd really like to share as much as I can, and be an open book. Hopefully it may provide some insight, and that I'm not being selfish in talking about myself all the time. So I dunno, usually people don't speak openly all that much about this, and I always wonder why.

Anyways, that's all. :V

More sketches and stuff. They're poop, but that's okay, they're just sketches. I say "sketches", but I really end up working on these for 3 hours because I forget they're supposed to be messy and quick. :']

The first one is Dycedarg from FF Tactics. I'd really like to get back into doing more fan art for that game, although, I'd like to be way better so I can do it proper justice. Haha!

I'm doing some more "finished" personal work to share with everyone within the next few days. Until then, I'll get some studies or still lives up here to keep regular. My faces still suck, so maybe some more of those. Gotta get that good art fiber. It's always good to keep regular.

Some more client stuff.

Really, it's just a friend of mine who is working on a card game that may be funded sometime in the future. It pays, though, and it's been a pretty great change of pace. It's in a REALLY early stage of development at the moment, but anyone who is interested should check out the FB page:

Some friends and myself have had the chance to playtest it. The game is really fun, actually. I'm hoping he can get it funded.

Maybe even more "pro" work to come. :]

Still life from the stream. Getting down that lighting and form.

Hey Archreux!

its nice to see the finished still life after i missed the rest of your stream, it turned out great. Thumbs_up

your sketchbook is amazing btw, i love the way you do gestures too.

I needzz more!!!!!!

IrishWhiskey - Hey, thanks! Yeah, it was really fun to get back into.

Working on some more stuff. Just a sketch. I feel really rusty with my drawing and line work. So many proportional, construction, and other issues to be unsatisfied with.

I'm feeling just very unsure about a lot of things. Got to work these out somehow. :/

I'm going to be doing the whole maysketchaday thing this month in-between larger personal work. Hopefully I can increase my line quality, and fix a few personal issues I have with my work flow that slows me down. Trying to keep a good balance between drawing and painting is difficult, especially when you can feel that one has started to progress further than the other.

Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm just crazy, and maybe don't talk to enough people about my stuff. ;_;

I've also got a client meeting this weekend! It's pretty exciting, and even though I'm a complete n00b, I never want to forget how exciting this is. :D

Day No.2. I didn't get much else done yesterday.

I'm considering making the sketch a day thing full of fan art. There's a lot of stuff I really might end up doing.

Kakuzu from Naruto. Horrible show. Some great action animation and characters, though. That anime has some of the best fights scenes. :P

Some more sketches and stuff from the past couple days.

I finally met with a couple clients yesterday, and it went really well! Hopefully I'll be able to share the work that I'll be doing for them. Gonna be doing some goblins and other fun fantasy stuff. Really excited. :D

Hey Archreux!
Long time no see :D (as you said to me haha)

Been reading your entries and smiling because I'm in the same boat as you! o_o like, srs, we're on the same page in a book on the same boat xD
I enjoy reading what you've been up to and hope this card game picks up - it looks like fun from what I saw!'

Also, dude I can't get enough of your line work! Especially the dude in post #369
V v v v nice <3

looking forward to whats to come! o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
smrr- Hey! That's really interesting that you mention that. We are all in this together, after all. The card game looks promising, and was really fun to work on! I'd love to see him get it funded.

Thank you, I've been chasing that guy's lines for some time now. I really am hoping it wasn't just some stroke of luck, but if I've done it once, I can do it again! Maybe. Yeah. :'D

More stuff for #maysketchaday. I highly suggest anyone go and check it out on Facebook. Thomas Scholes set it up to promote growth over perfectionism. It's really been helping me focus on something, and more importantly, get over my Ctrl-Z spam that has been slowing me down.

Something more sketchy for next time, and I'm finishing up a new painting. :]

Some thing I did yesterday. It was supposed to be a sketch, and then I got a little carried away. This gave me a lot of really cool, and really interesting ideas that I'd like to work with more in the future. I'll just keep most of it to myself until I develop it further.

More May sketches. I'm going to try and mix things up next time.

Hey, everyone! It's been some time since my last update as I've been pretty busy with getting sick, then getting better, having to to do client work, and figuring stuff out in life.

I could probably share some of the stuff I've been doing because I'm not really under NDA, but I'll just play it safe for now. Hopefully I'll be able to share some of it soon!

Right now all I've got are some sketches that I'd done between client work. I should be busier to be honest.

Been busy with client work. I've got some warm-up exercises that were done to get me ready for work days.

Again, I'm going to try and be more active. It seems to be getting harder and harder between dealing with life stuff, and working. Aside from the student loans, and becoming a debt slave, things are going pretty good! Haha.

Really, it's been interesting trying to navigate myself through this next junction in life. I'm starting to see the world open up, and a whole variety of options start to appear. Despite some of the negatives, I'm more confident, and happier than ever knowing that I really like what I've chosen to do. :]

Now, to find time and do some studies. It's been a'while. :S

Great work recently man! Love how you're simplifying the planes and your color choices. Also can't wait to see that client work you talked about. Keep at it :)
Ben- Hey man, it's been some time since I've seen ya on here! Thanks, if there's anything I've been trying to do, it's been to simplify everything, and that's really been helping me a lot.

Finally I'll be able to share some of the work I've been doing. All of this, minus the first page of sketches, is art for a card game that's in development, Caravan: The Looting (working title). A couple of guys here in Minnesota approached me asking if I'd like to do the art for their tabletop card game. It's not really my style, but the concepts are fun, and it's just been a great experience overall.

They're really cool, and I think I may have mentioned this before, but networking was how I'd gotten their attention, as a friend of mine who I worked for did some art for them and recommended me. So, talking to a shit ton of people and getting out of the house once in a while is good, plus, it's local, and it's exciting knowing I'm helping to stimulate the game community here in MN.

I've also started going to some life drawing sessions with a friend, so when I get the chance I'll upload some scans of my drawings! There's more work I'm doing for them as well, so there will be more of that in another week or so. :]

Woooooooooah this morphing coyote/wolf with the froggy dude is fckin' sick!
really like the concept

So good you're able to show us what you've been up to Arch!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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