Sketchbook - Carnet de croquis - Skissbok
Hello everyone, I'm Ryan, I'm 19 y.o and I live in Paris, France.

I'm in a design school like FZD school, but more focused on being 3D Concept Designer.
I like industrial design and its way to bring beauty through reflexion and coherency.

So here are my first scratches on my Crimson Daggers "sketchbook", taking new year resolutions.
I began my studies this month (Décembre 2012), I'll show these on my first post;
Tips, books, workshops, critiques: be welcome :)

I am committed to send:
-Human anatomy and studies;
-Animal anatomy and studies;
-Transportation design and studies (cars, bots, planes, spacedonuts);
-Character design and studies
-Costume Design through fashion trends and studies;
-Weapons, props design and studies;
-Environment design and studies;
-3D stuff;
-cute cats launched via bazooka;

For my color studies, I don't color pick.

I wish you all a happy new year: a productive one, studying hard and having a very good life.

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook
ZBrush 4R3 - My first modelling ever :)

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook
Oooh very nice start here man, welcome.

I actually like very much the woman reclining against the rock study heheh, but I know how you feel.
Keep pushing it!

pretty sick work. Im especially impressed with the vehicle sketches
@Ursula Dorada: Thank you. I'm glad you liked it :) I need to work on my body anatomy to work faster. I took too much time on this one (4 hours...) :-/
What are you thinking by "how I feel", hah? :P

@Michael Blackbear Uwandi: Haha, thank you mate. I'm surprised someone like these doodles. I mean I drew them first to get a sort of rapid design that is on my mind, but they really look awful :D Solution: I'll work out my having a more controlled line drawing, and a nice perspective view (it will take a while...).

I did this 55 minutes study, first under 1 hour. Some scale problem...

Question to the audience: regarding the studies we make, in how quickly what you learned would take effect on your projects?

I know it's different for everyone, but I'd like to have some opinions and facts. Merci :)

Next workout:
-Perspective (cubes, applying it to buildings, cars etc...)
-3D full body écorché.

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook
Hey man cool sketchbook, the 3D render is very nice. What art school in paris do you attend?

I think what understanding and what you learn from studies is directly translated into your work once you have understood the subject matter. It's a matter of paying attention and focusing on what you are actually trying to learn from studying something rather than mindlessly copying images ( even so you'll still learn but being present and focused whilst studying will in my opinion speed up the process).

Keep posting your progress :).

i agree with jonhop. I tend to write down notes as I am studying and its amazing how much info you will retain. It almost forces you to search for answer you otherwise would not think of regularly. but I def think your on the right track, keep it up
Thank you both Jon and Michael :-)

I'm attending New3DGE design school, it's like FZD school as I said, but more focused on being 3D concept designer.

I applied both of your advices and that actually worked. That's fascinating how much the brain gather tons of informations when studying. As I paid attention to what I did and wrote some notes down, it's like I'm "optimizing" my learnings.

I didn't update that much because of school work. Here's what I did in 2 weeks. I didn't included my sketchbook sketches (don't have a scanner yet but I ordered one, yay).

Here's a study of the Cheetah (Guépard [gay-par] in french). I like big cats.

Some vehicles concepts w/ some extreme rough renders of cars and spaceships. I have to render 4 cars and 4 spaceships within 2 weeks, and I don't like my concepts so I'll restart from the beginning.

We had to create a chimera, mixing and analysing three animals: I chose the Lion/Cheetah (big cats), the mosasauridae (big marine reptile [extinct]), and the red lion fish (venemous fish).

Question to the audience: Do you have any painting tips I can use on my concepts (like for example, using complementary colors when painting shadows [red/green]) ?

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook
About your issues with the heads, you are pretty good at painting solid objects such as the car, and seem to try to render the skin the same way. That doesn't work because skin is a lot smoother, due to a effect called "Subsurface Scattering" (or at least that's what it is called in the 3D area, SSS for short), it's basically that some materials, such as skin, are slightly translucent and so some light travels "through" that material and passes out again of it at a different position, resulting in a smoother look.
Also note that every edge potentially darkens it environment which produces smooth shadows too. Think of a knob and light coming from every side at the same time. Now the flat areas are completely illuminated but the areas around the knob are partially occluded, as light from some angles hits there and light from other angles is reflected from the knob. (In the 3D area this is often archived by a effect called Ambient Occlusion (AO for short))
[Image: hzPjwxT.jpg]
Thank you MrBeast, that's a nice explanation :)
Actually, I watched a gnomon about SSS recently. You summed up what Jeremy Vickery explained during 5 minutes :D
I can easily mess up with and going through hard time when I'm rendering a character.

1/ Gave some modifications to the chimera. More elongated to give it a Cheetah's body feel; also drew some muscles extension to enhance the movement.

It's a class weekly exercise, "gros chaton aquatique" just means "large aquatic kitty". I'm so inspired right now as you see :sleepy: ...

2/ I did my second zBrush (on 4r4) sculpt project, and I just figured out how to render elements. zBrush is so hard to handle :'( *
This is a synthesis of my 2 weeks myology class.

Next projects:
3D > Wall-E (on 3DS max 2013) with wire parameters and reaction managed.
Concept design > Weapons, ships, vehicles (4 renders in each categories) with the nicest presentation.

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook

Did a 3 hours long study. I wanted a hard one for my 10th study, this one was harder than I thought.
Especially the skin color variations which are very subtle. The color range on the skin is very limited and I spent 70% of my time refining it. I could be more efficient I think next time, but I like the result.

Kudos to this lovely deviant, RayC187, good headshots with many details if you want references.

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook
Hey Daggers. I've been reading and studying rifles and antiques firearms this week end as I wasn't aware of how it worked besides the "pull the trigger, boom, good job".
I have to do some perspective render of 4 of them for my class exercise.

I wanted to have functionnality better than the looks, like someone said "does it looks like it shoot bullets or candies?".

I actually ended up with quite interesting configurations, especially the ultramodern standard which are the bullpups (French Famas, AUG, P90 etc...).

Any tips, critiques, comments are more than welcome as always!

Certified Zombie Killer; yeah we have so much fun in class :-)

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook
Hey, quick update, I'll finish this design this evening, school time.
Tried some Halo-esque shapes.

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook
I admire the presentation

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
Thank you so much Mr. Toodles :-)

Some concepts, almost finished the others 10 concepts.

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook
Update (edit) :

Car design and the results of my previous bullpup weapon concept.
These are my first try to design weapons (with the August too).... so I'm sure there are plenty features I didn't thought of when imagining them...

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook

2 head concepts. The first one for a Fantasy RPG, will be a knight, and I have another who will be a female this time, I think menestrel or archer.
There are some errors of lighting I'll fix :p

The second is the Hitman (code 47), following my sketch from my previous post. We have to do a 3D high poly of our own version of 47 in 3DS Max (details in zBrush). Then put him in a scene :)

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook
Sunday Update

3D Head concept of my own Hitman.
I've been busy working my 3D project and we're coming at the end of the Hitman project at school.
I'll define more the ear as the "Y" and the hook. The skin pores aren't well applied and need to be reworked.

The second picture is a remix of the Dumpa car, my 4th transportation design; I refined many things. It looks more like the Lamborghini Miura (74) and to the 1964 Pontiac Banshee concept. The back of the vehicle was composed with curves, but wasn't consonant to the overall angular feature. I bent the belt line and brought some relief to the profile by adding an outlet. Also I modified the A-Pillar, according to the shape of the car I wanted to do. The DLO is a little bigger and have a knife shape to it. I erased the second red rocker that was very useless (to the car design and its aesthetics). The back and the shutline are very messy. I'll do another car concept in 1 month to see my improvements.

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Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook
Good reaaaaaaaaaaally awesome works!

OMG. nuff said ^_^

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