I'm so unskilled compared to almost everyone here.
First post might as well be a good one. Intro+Deathline here we go go go.

My name is Regi, I just started learning to draw and do artsy stuff after literally years of wanting to do so. I realized after I started that our education system in the US kinda beats any creativity out of you. Then got to researching why that was. This delayed me starting drawing for a bit. But I've legitimately begun now. This is my 6th day of drawing being a hobby I persue seriously. I've also started a blog a regilearns.wordpress.com where I'll be trying to have up to three posts a day with a minimum of one large one. With three being the level I want to maintain once the end of the year hits.

My 4 goals for the year.

Use my blog to explain things in ways that complete beginners can understand, answer the questions given to me factually and without my own tendency to bullshit an answer. As a bit of elaboration the blog is kind of my own answerings to my questions that I've had about art for awhile. As well as an actual introduction to the basics of the basics as I sometimes call them when planning posts. One of the rules I have there is to explain things without dictating how the fellow artists how to use their tools. This means that if you want to say learn to use a photoshop-like program, this isn't the place for you. If you want to learn to draw using photoshop-like tools or just in general, and can figure out what I mean by colour picker tool and brush, then good on ya. You're my audience. I really took what Andrew Loomis says in Successful Artist to heart, IE, people who try to teach you what tools to use, how to actually draw your lines, how to hold your pencil, are going to make you less of an artist. All a person attempting to teach you things can do is make an effort at telling you how they accomplish certain effects, when certain effects occur, why, etcetera, and if you have your own method, it's your own. It's not for me to dictate that you should be using a five pixel brush, with Krita, on Linux Mint KDE, and be holding the stylus almost by the tip, simply because that's how I do most things. Find your own way to do things, art takes effort. Some of that effort is finding what's comfortable to you.

You know, actually learn to draw and later to paint digitally. I'm still at the making stuff with cubes, unable to draw spheres properly without 20 minutes of time to fiddle phase of noobieness. Though I'm told much like life after school, it gets better. Those of you who don't get that reference, google "it gets better." Touching heart warming videos were made as part of an initiative called it gets better, after a bunch of LGBT people committed suicide in college from bullying. Anyway, it's something I've wanted to do for years, and I've got high hopes I can at least be competent at it. I'm rather nervous about this, which brings me to the next goal.

I'm the best around, Ain't No One Ever Gonna Keep Me Down. Don't let my families comments bring me down. I almost didn't get anything done yesterday because my sister decided to make the greatest of all comments. "Regi, I just don't think you'll ever be a good artist. You should just give it up now before you waste too much time and end up disappointed with yourself." As it is I barely managed half a post on a methodology/theory about shapes I've come up with that's probably been unstated but known for quite awhile.

Maintain a rigid schedule for the first time in my life. I was the kid that was always late to school, that skipped days just to skip days. Yet still managed to pass all of my classes with a high C low B average because he managed to do all the extra credit and would have been top of the class, had I actually applied myself. I've decided I'm going to wake up at 6:45 AM and shower, shave, etc, then spend 2 and a half to 3 hours doing art. Then an hour of doing chores, then 3 hours of programming, which is one of the other hobbies I've chosen to pursue(With blogging, art, and cooking.) 1 hour of cardio exercise each day, then 3 hours of fucking around then 1 hour of chore, 1 hour of attempting to get closer to my family. And then 3 hours of fucking around finally bet at 11.

B-b-b bonus goal. Learn to spell pursue and some other words right the first time, as well as tighten up my grammar.


Regi Ghe
Hey that's great, just start posting a sketchbook and all the daggers here will help you get better !

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

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