Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
Good job.

That Tyrion rocker <3 So damn cool! Congratz on the win!
You rock man.

yea, congrats! awesome idea done so so well!

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Grats! Well deserved.

Thanks to all you guys! It was a fun contest and I think each and everyone did a great job!

Some more studies/sketches and I started to paint with oils recently. Below is a WIP first try at landscape oilpainting. Still full of errors and lots of elements are still missing. As I also want to try out the glazing technique, it might take some time to finish this as it  has to dry completely before I continue...

The landscape looks good. As for characters I think you should work on values a little.

@Piotr: Thanks! Will do!

I´ve been neglecting pencils lately far too much (I´m trying to update my portfolio or let´s say....finally build one :) ) I´m also thinking of finally getting an account at artstation (especially since they have a contest going on there with some already awesome stunning work). So here are some Bargue drawing and a sketch of a lizardman shaman

Doodling around with some rather generic characters. Foreshortening of the amazons left arm is a bit too much I guess...oh well

Haha I know the feels about neglecting pencils -- also tryna (finally) build a portfolio xD

I'd have to agree with Piotr, but I would say in terms of your pencils. Don't be too afraid of marks the mark a bit darker ;)

You're awesome man, keep it up!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
@smrr: Thanks :) Regarding values in the pencil sketches, I agree, they could use lots more value ranges in shading and I actually have the urge to do just that lots of times, but for me when sketching it´s always a mixture of not wanting to overrender the design and putting in the extra amount of time it takes to really render them out nicely vs. using the time for a new sketch. E.g. the sketches below are a bit more pushed value-wise, and they could even be pushed lots more. But regarding time, even in this state, it took about twice as much as I would normally use. So I also have a focus in mind when sketching. Mostly design, but most of the time just getting proportions, perspective etc. right or plainly getting an idea down. Value is, at least in these sketches, secondary as they are not finished products for me. (except when I focus on value studying...which I should do more often) Hope that somehow explains my thought process while sketching :)

Some a bit more elaborate sketches and also a slight genre change to the usual fantasy stuff... Lovecraft time :)

Some more Lovecraft sketches. I think I may even paint the King in Yellow....

What about CC02? I hope you will defend your title!

(04-19-2016, 10:51 AM)Piotr Jasielski Wrote: What about CC02? I hope you will defend your title!

I would have loved to participate (Bloodbourne has some awesome designs...), but sadly, I can´t manage to free enough time for this round as I´m already late with paiintings I work on. Hopefully again next time :( But I´m very curious how the finals turn out, there are some nice concepts in the making. Best luck to everyone participating!

I had the same idea to paint the king in yellow. I saved this quote from The Repairer of Reputations for inspiration.

During my convalescence I had bought and read for the first time, The King in Yellow. I remember after finishing the first act that it occurred to me that I had better stop. I started up and flung the book into the fireplace; the volume struck the barred grate and fell open on the hearth in the firelight. If I had not caught a glimpse of the opening words in the second act I should never have finished it, but as I stooped to pick it up, my eyes became riveted to the open page, and with a cry of terror, or perhaps it was of joy so poignant that I suffered in every nerve, I snatched the thing out of the coals and crept shaking to my bedroom, where I read it and reread it, and wept and laughed and trembled with a horror which at times assails me yet. This is the thing that troubles me, for I cannot forget Carcosa where black stars hang in the heavens; where the shadows of men's thoughts lengthen in the afternoon, when the twin suns sink into the lake of Hali; and my mind will bear for ever the memory of the Pallid Mask. I pray God will curse the writer, as the writer has cursed the world with this beautiful, stupendous creation, terrible in its simplicity, irresistible in its truth—a world which now trembles before the King in Yellow.

@Adam Lina: I always kind of liked the King in Yellow story within the cthulhu mythos. That´s a great reference quote!

Some more Bargue studies. Funny side story for the left one: I usually draw in my lunchtime. For this drawing I found that I forgor my eraser at home, so first impulse was: sh*t, can´t draw today. Next impulse: hey, wait a minute. I don´t actually need an eraser. So I drew this one without any erasing. And it was fun, because it forces you to really be aware about the marks you make. Double checking angles, proportions etc. It´s something I will do more often now when studying, because it actively eliminates that autopilot mode you can often fall into while studying. You learn a lot that way

Sketches, sketches. The pair of elvish circus people turned out really bad... I wasn´t very motivated to draw and I was on a very bumpy train where every pencil stroke felt like I had Parkinson... not fun at all. But bad drawings also go to the sketchbook :)

A somewhat more elaborate master study, focusing light and color here:

That is indeed elaborate :D
Good job man.


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