Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
Getting too lazy with updating my sketchbooks, although not lazy in painting :) Some sketches and stuff I worked on for the last 2 weeks

Some illustration I did as a present for friends who wanted to look like this, but without going to the gym :)

hahaha i love that last piece XD well done!
@ AngeliquevdMee: Thanks :)

Time to get back to more practice and sketching after some finished illustrations

Portrait practice without reference,trying to be a bit more caricaturish. The middle one started to look a bit like Sly Stallone, so I tried to remember his face and push it a bit further in that direction :)

Pencil sketches....Left one is a demonic peasant, right one is the sketch of an idea I have had in my mind for a long time. Some may know the fabulous artworks for Legend of the Cryptids and I always wanted to do something like that on that level, but never mustered the courage to try it. Now I think I´ll just do it, what the hell... So the idea is a painting of an Optomancer (don´t know if something like that already exists). It´s suppossed to be a mage that specializes in spells that deal with eyes, eyesight and illusions, an eyemage so to speak :)

Portrait practice. Dwarf from imagination and yes, you guessed it, maleficent was on TV the other night, so why not sketch that :)

Great stuff! And your nickname... oh god reminds me how many hours of my life I've spent playing Oblivion and then Skyrim. If I spent them on drawing instead I'd be sooo good already, haha.

Anyway, I love the painting you did for your friends it looks so cheerful and funny!
Also great sketches, I love your ideas. One thing I'd focus on is anatomy, cuz some of the poses and body parts look a bit unnatural. It is my problem also, though :D

@AlexShi: Thanks! never regret playing Elder Scrolls games ;) I managed to get a good balance between play and paint. Sometimes you just need to kill a dragon...and rip its soul out. Anatomy/poses is a constant WIP , you never stop learning it


Your line quality is really nice and you're great at rendering objects. Your construction of the figure also is very good as you're evidently thinking about the 3D masses. The poses you draw do tend to be a bit stiff however. I would suggest doing some very quick gesture studies using posemaniacs and looking at some of the loose, expressive drawings by animators. I feel these would really help you because the rendering is time consuming so some prelim gesture studies would allow you to nail the figure. 


@MannionJJ2020: Thanks very much! I usually use quickposes.com for gestures

Study of Anna Steinbauers work (not fully finished render) and a couple of practice faces

Sketches and ballpoint pen doodling

Fictional book covers for sketching

Decided to make some full illustrations out of some of my pencil sketches, so I did this with the sketch of a wild elf

Drawing along an older tutorial from ImagineFX by Sam Carr (http://samc-art.deviantart.com/gallery/) dealing with hard edges vs soft edges regarding age and gender. 

Amazing work Elder Scroller! Always a joy to look at your characters. Do you plan to develop a story some day? or do comics? Or you just want to do Character Development?

(02-02-2017, 02:49 AM)alexdanila Wrote: Amazing work Elder Scroller! Always a joy to look at your characters. Do you plan to develop a story some day? or do comics? Or you just want to do Character Development?

Thanks very much! I´ve had this idea of sort of an illustrated story, focussing on a character´s journey through the world (in a fantasy setting). It won´t be comic-like, more like a series of ongoing illustrations of various stages of his journey (like starting out as a nobody, showing some life-altering situations, encountering strange and wonderful things in the world,...) But that´s a personal project that will still take some time to develop.
Character Development will always be something dear to me, no matter what else I do :)

That's some very nice stuff... I rotfl'es so hard after seeing the 'Boris/Julie'-like image of your friends that refuse to go to the gym... xD Gosh. T_T :D Well, what can I say, keep up. Just wodnering tho, did you have any 'real' (meaning, institutional) education when it comes to art?

Why do you complain of your fate when you could so easily change it?
@devares:  Thanks! :) Glad you like my little Vallejo-style thing. I didn´t have any institutionalized art education, except for an online course about light and form. Can´t really call that a full education :) Besides that, I´m just self taught,which can be tough when you just start out as you don´t really know what to do or which way to go in terms of studying, learning,etc. I think this is the greatest benefit of a "real" art education: You learn how to learn

Practice sketching:

I really enjoy looking at your work. I especially love how you are able to add a lot of personality to each character and how much attention you pay to details of each of their designs. It's a pleasure to look at. :)  

The only thing I noticed is that their stance often feels instable to me when looking at their pose. Maybe it helps if you take time to study the masses of the human body and how they are balanced out when moving?! You could start by observing your own body. Try to do different poses (while standing) and observe how your body reacts when you switch from one pose to another. What does your body do so you don't fall over? How is the weight of your body balanced, when you lift a leg or bend the upper body to one side? Try to activily shift weights from one leg to another by changing your stance and more... If you have a feeling for it, you can start studying the human body on paper. One good solution is to do 30 second sketches e.g. on posemanics or from photo reference. While drawing a pose always try to imagine how your own body would react in this pose. To me this helped me a lot to draw more diverse poses of my characters. 

Good luck and keep posting! :)

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