smrrfette's Odyssey
Damn, I'm loving these sketchbook pages! It's been forever since I've stopped into the check your stuff out, and these pages are looking tasty. I'm gonna have to get back to the pencil now, haha.

Great stuff all around. I'm especially liking the paint of the last few pieces you updated with. Nice, clean colors, and block in.

As far as your heads are concerned, and maybe some of the anatomy, I think it's just a matter of measuring consistently and checking back to make sure things are where they need to be. More specifically, it looks like the ear placement on your heads seems to drop down below the center of the head, and doesn't match with the eyes/nose. You may want to bring some of the features together as well.

The same can be said for the anatomy overall. The features and separate parts look good, themselves, just continue to check back to the reference points on the body to ensure it's proportionate.

I'll be looking at these sketch pages for a while! You're killing it. :]

Those recent pieces from imagination lookin sweet! That girl with the hose has a real jana/hannes vibe to it, and digging the way your style is evolving. Also kudos for taking up the reins for the CHOW <3 Really cool to see it going again, I'm sure it'll be hugely beneficial to everyone takin part.

Man… you’re so productive… every time I visit your SB I’m just blown away by how hard you’re pushing @_@ That’s the way to go!!

How’s schoolism going for you so far, which class are you taking?

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
I just spent the past few days slowly going through your sketchbook in my free time. Smrr, your work and your growth from your first page to now is super inspiring! Daaamn! I love those warrior chick and monster pieces from post 831 and 833. They remind me of Devin Korwin's work. Juicy brushstrokes and edges :D

Yo Steph! Diggin those sketches! Artists; Professional Fail-Forwarders.

[Image: deLLd.gif]

dat updates ;3
[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

pro tip. stealing old masters secrets helped artists improve since 1460

keep killing it ;3

[Image: tumblr_mhz9s1a88I1qfrkf9o1_500.gif]

that was me after seeing all your replies gais... except with coffee lol :D

ramalooke -  HAHA BEST
and also, my lordy lordy I _seriously_ need to do them master studies. I keep putting them off, yo :/ thanks man, taken on board *salutes*!
Heliux - Dumb & Dumberrrrr ;DDD also yes, so much yes o_o thanks for popping in, Rileyyy -!

lungcell - 
Haha oh man, that means a lot to hear c': (ESPECIALLY THE DEVIN KORWIN BRUSHSTROKE BIT ZOMG :D) yeah I studied like a crazy lady back then; I've only been easing back into the crazy recently. But yeah thanks again man!

Lyraina - Lyraaaa! Mmmm, I haven't been as productive as I'd like, that's for sure >-< , but thanks! And lol Schoolism, well - I started with Nathan Fowkes' Designing with Colour and Light, then I switched to Dice and Robert Kondo's class on painting with Light and Colour and now I've switched to Alex Woo's Gesture Drawing class #plsdonjudgeme . Its been really difficult to get back into the swerve of studying and so anything that doesn't get me hyped, I've made sure to change :l I just really want to avoid burning out again .-. 
Thanks for popping in!

pnate - ooooh nnnnnnaAAAAAAAAAAAATEEE :D thank you! Haha yeah my styles' all over the shop atm.I'm happy you're happy that I'm keeping the Crimson CHOW going haha... though CHOW's not the same without you <3 
Archreux - Fan-bloody-tastic critzzzz Arch---! <3 <3 Thank you a ton, *pushes +rep button* - also, you're too kind, what even o_O haha, thanks again and for dropping in-!

iamorim - Aaaah no worries man! Eeeeh, there was a lot to improve ;_; I'm so proud of you, you participated in so many of the following ones! Let's keep it up and thank _you_ for popping by :D 

Othrandir - woah, thanks man! Haha aaah, sorta >-< thanks again and for dropping in!

Nowio - 07-23-2015, 03:08 PM
All dem tasty figures... MHHHHGHHHHHH <3 

:D too kind HNNNNNGG-- <3

Ursula Dorada -  Sulaaaaaaaaaa :D! oh man, one day in the future fo' shure! I've gotta catch you when you're streaming with your magical arts... and cats :D 

Baoto - 07-22-2015, 07:52 AM
Woah, your anatomy studies are pretty tight and the painting of the girl with the car is pretty amazing.
Im curios, what schoolism class are you taking? :)

Hey thanks Baoto! I'm currently (technically) taking Dice and Robert Kondo's Painting with Light and Colour course <: (not for long though haha)

VoodooMama - Whaaaaaaaat thanks Voodoo! This means a lot! (though I'm still like hruhurh, so much to fix with them) also, I must do more studies!

Triggerpigking - Heyehyeyheye Trigger! Oh I think it was either Overlay+Linear Light or Overlay+Colour Dodge... something like that o_O! Yeah I really should take more advantage of them though haha; also, yay! that feature has been unlocked :D (I think) 
Thank yaaa !

Nestergen - 
Wow. You know... you quoting an old reply to my sketchbook really stirred something inside me.
No worries and no, no, thank you

GabbyTaylor - Haha they are fails ;_; but thank you, Gabby - much too kind! 


I did it again -_-

Time to vent (+ramble) in the sketchblog. <3

I vanished from my beloved sketchbook for like over a bloody month  this time. It's unacceptable and shit because firstly, I'm not as full-blood Dagger as I used to be. Secondly, I'm left somewhat directionless erryday when I don't update - because there isn't the pressure of studying... or, well, yeah, it's like a free-for-all where I scramble around sketching stuff but not really doing stuff? I can't articulate for the life of me. Hopping around things and not completing them feels like a waste of time, although in some ways it isn't. Being directionless is, however.
And lastly, the value in self-reflection has been lost. Picking out where I suck in my work was a way to gather my thoughts and helped me improve a lot a couple of years ago. I need to keep this up, ftw :D

Lots has happened though - even though my art might not show it. 
I've been doing a lot of soul-searching and what not - because as many of you guys may know and relate to; studying art comes with a butt load of doubt - and it can become crippling when it persists for long periods of time. 

This time I was ready for it c: 
I know we're all part-vampire up in the Crimson Grand Manor, but dat sunshine really helps clear the mind. Especially going for trail walks/runs out in the bush :D

Also, thank the maker for Level Up hey? I was listening to a bunch of their interviews while scribbling around and I was reminded that so many pros go through the same thing. It's actually ridiculous. I really resonated with the John Silva ep o_o we're on the same wavelength. Especially the part about drawing vs digital painting haha. I feel that's how I'm gonna be in the near-future, even though I still love drawing more than painting atm xD

Since overcoming the big D ( ;) ), it's all about the sitting down, shutting up and doing the thing (read: again) lmao
Here's a couple of the shits I've been making
So many experiments 

photo study

from life

mo' sketches

wedding commission for a friend

unfinished Lucio Overwatch fanart with laughable wips

fish eye failed sketch from yesterday

imagination sketch from today

I have lots of plans, goals and all that good stuff in the future - just gotta keep at it ^________^


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Wow.. those face studies.. *drools... * <3


Holy, woaaaaw, you are da sunshine in my lief...

Goodness i get such a Wes vibe from your sketchy page, and you draw the best lips, i like how you use hatching instead of thick lines! your faces are bonn diggity!

I don't know what to tell you girl, besides u r always in my hart, keep workin hard but be redy cuz it's too TOUGH! sometiems :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Burning up that paper smrrr, love the pencil sketches :) and all thes rest tooo!

Keep truckin! You'll git them goalssssss!

p.s LOL at that gif XD
gah, your pencil stuff is so fun to look at. The pages with a clear composition are super cool. The faces are looking nice as well, the chins are leaning towards the strong side sometimes, but it almost looks more like a stylized thing than a mistake.

Keep up the good work and keep posting! I looked back at the older pages of your sketchbook and it's actually pretty cool to see, your digital experiments early on are funny to look at, especially compared to what you can do now.

p.s. that still life of the rock made me laugh for some reason.

Thank you gais for popping in and being amazeballs <3
Punk-A-Cat: aaaaah thanks Top Cat! <3

Fedoxide: you da b0mb bby <3 and HWAAAT (yes, with an H in front of the W) reminds you of Wes!?! you best be jokin' you super kind man-koala-bear thing you! it will be tough, but so long as u r ther with me is gon' be all ok lolo :D

Dodeqaa: Andrewwwww! Thankssss maaaan! gotta keep pushing to the limit :D yassss, dem juicy-ass goals ;) haha glad you appreciate the cat-vom lolol

JJ Aaron: it's a Jonassss! hey thanks a lot! lol yeah I don't know how to draw but ehhh, might as well make it look like my mistakes aren't mistakes lmao. Oh god, old digital sketches. pls no ahaha c'x 
oh believe me I did the same thing after that rock still life was finished... and then I cried myself to sleep in a corner. :D

More regular updates means hi how's it goin' or I'm not a blue cartoon with a floppy "hat" on top of my blonde locks. what? 
don't ask.

Today I manages to work on and finish the first assignment from Alex Woo's Gesture Drawing class and holy shit. It's fantastic.
Taking his course makes me smh in shame at how I overlooked some of the key fundamentals in gesture drawing. 

Anyway, I'm not gonna post this assignment I did today because it's just a bunch of lines haha. 

But I did some quick, dirty application sketches:

Focused on what I learned in the lesson. Well, with the poses - then I got distracted and drew some faces -_- 

It feels like a whole new world has opened up again. It feels great. 

I can't wait for tomorrow! I can't wait to learn again! ajhdjasda 

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
mmmmmm saggy Implants too perky!!!



70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
You got some seriously good looking sketches here :)

Funny thing, I was just talking with Lyraina, and she also forces herself to get outside now and then to help herself de-stress. Having allies are important, Steph, so find strength in them. I swear I know what you mean about the huge load of doubt and feeling directionless. I was like that for 6 years, and during what was supposedly the prime years of a human's life - my twenties. It's true that one needs to just pick a direction and paddle like hell, but it's also true that it's Hell of a lot easier to _not_ give up paddling after more bouts of doubt when you have dedicated art friend and partner to be near you and help you. That also needs building, so just chip in when-ever, and how-ever much you can. Distantly and silently, we're all in this together, and sometimes that doesn't help much when you need immediate pick-up by the elbow or brushing of dirt off your shoulder. So if you want, feel free to add me on Skype if you use it. My account is in my profile.

You guys... In love <3 <3

meat - You savedddd meeee and you know it aaaah meat :D :D

cesartalves - thanks! I couldn't help but laugh and cry reading your comment lol  4fd9f2d3 

Fedodika - 
I trusted that my koala buddy would pick up on my scribbly text x'D yaaaaaaassss ;)

I worked more on the Schoolism course. learning lots! Like for example: 
how much I suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck baaaaaaaaaalls. :D

part 1 of hwk:

I feel this will help in the future. Big time. Reminds me I need to study simple shapes more... and render the crap outta them.
eeeh. pencils - wip on the bike chick maybe. I wasn't really thinking about what I was drawing (as usual) except for the chick on the bike. I was just wanting to render the fck outta errything after catching the Marco Nelor stream on Art Cafe lmao. Also, ew, terrible scan. pls forgive.

and I couldn't forgive myself for butchering this sketch I did a couple of days ago, so I decided to work on it a bit more - may finish it in the future. actually no, I will continue working on it *chants: wreck. weaknesses. git gud.*

maybe I should use refs.

Bleep bloop.

Can't wait for tomorrow :D so much to learn! Let's keep pushing Daggers <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

I realized you were out for some time so I'm glad to see updates here :D

I was a little burn out and then I got sick last week like I spent one whole week in bed. It was shit.
But then I came here and see people's work, it is great. Lots of motivation :D

Thanks and keep going!

Go around or power through it, keep moving forward :) You're doing awesome SMRRRR!

Nice work on the sketch, you made it better.
love those pages of pencil faces. really nice work.

SMRFETTE! Mluvuvlvlbububllbuublbllubbul!

Cmon smrrfeete keep workin on them figurez!!!!

Your faces are hawt no need to sweat on them too much imo.

PS, cmon smrrfeete get a mirror and take that pose of the girl in the last post and fix the foreshortening on the leg!!!!!! Or i will only give u 15 hugs instead of 20!!!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

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