Fudgeloaf's Sketchbook
Fudge, you level'd up!
I love the spider illustration, good use of textures.

Woofydesigns- Thanks man!
BenFlores- Hey ben you're right the legs are looking quite short, i think i transformed the body party way through and didnt even out the legs in the end Cheers!

Lumens- Thanks lumens!

HElloOOo I'm getting behind on posting everywhere, So i got a part time crap job for bills but good news im lucky enough to be doing Sam Carr's Mentoring thingy this month so i'll be dropping updates in his ]post as well as on here :D

Soooo here's what i've been upto and also 5 thumbs from mentoring.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7523]

[Image: gremlinwebwip.jpg]

[Image: holythingi-2web.jpg]

[Image: holythingi1web.jpg]

[Image: 9th-0ct-study-1web.jpg]

[Image: goblin_stabener_by_fudgeloaf-d5hop1u.jpg]

nice rendering on the last piece.
give the mentoring your all.

I like the last piece. I would have love to see it it color.. But good work.

Thanks guys!

Here's the Comp that i'll be taking to final for the mentoring thing, been doing quick sketchy studies too like bears n beards n bulk but nothing of worth

another mentoring update and a spooky sketch

[Image: kinship-colour.jpg]

[Image: drac.jpg]


updatesss and the current mentoring piece so far

[Image: 780x650.webp]

[Image: 69140_10151077500456829_1939533004_n.jpg]

[Image: 521783_10151076978086829_1593016945_n.jpg]

[Image: 222540_10151074878386829_287012265_n.jpg]

[Image: 61416_10151073458151829_235120052_n.jpg]

[Image: 285736_10151069281696829_881474358_n.jpg]

[Image: 407707_10151066594326829_258311477_n.jpg]

[Image: raising+the+dead+colour+2.jpg]

Nice update, always enjoy seeing traditional sketchbook stuff. Mentoring painting is looking really good.

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Thanks man, heres the mentoring piece finished and more daily sketch pages

[Image: raising_the_dead_by_fudgeloaf-d5kzudb.jpg]

[Image: 2012-11-10+14.31.32.jpg]

[Image: 2012-11-13+23.12.50.jpg]

[Image: 553936_10151083665021829_604390937_n.jpg]

[Image: 2012-11-12+15.10.34.jpg]

Hey here's something else and the end of Sam's challenge thing

[Image: 704210_10151104299061829_1827162474_o.jpg]

[Image: heavenly_justice_by_fudgeloaf-d5myx42.jpg]

Keep up with those studies! They are great man keep pushing out the work!

Man, these sketches will pay off, good work.

Great job mike, I really like your last piece.

Heeey thanks for the kind words guys, here's another piece picked up from an older sketch and some stuff inbetween

[Image: arched+back-study.jpg]

[Image: danielarmour_design1.jpg]

[Image: 737x1600.webp]


Nice work on this new one mate, big jump! Just a little nitpick, his eyes don't seem very wet, for such a bright light shining beneath him he should get some speculars happening in them. Id probably make them a bit veiny too since his skin is so veiny and gross. Nice improvement overall mate.
deerandfox- Cheers and thanks for the advice man, gotta do more wet stuff.. :)

I suck at painting girls, slowly getting something

[Image: pin_up_by_fudgeloaf-d5oxmto.jpg]

[Image: studies-11th-dec.jpg]

[Image: study-14th-dec.jpg]


Hey here's some stuff to end the year with!

[Image: lady+rogue.jpg]

[Image: mike+jones+creeper.jpg]

[Image: mike+jones+study+30th+dec.jpg]

[Image: studies-dec-27th.jpg]

[Image: study-28th-dec.jpg]

the end of the year im glad i can see some progress with work, one thing i'm seeing the most is that i'm becoming more Patient as an artist atleast, these things dont change over night (or over a year) but something's happening and i'm pretty grateful to have met a bunch of guys that are doing the same thing and helping me as well as a lot of others on the way. GRATEFUL!

Hey i kinda got lost in ideas and work, here's some stuff!

[Image: mikejones_+blood+moon.jpg]

[Image: studies-jan.jpg]

[Image: lady-roguecolour.jpg]

[Image: study-14th-jan.jpg]

[Image: japanese-spirit.jpg]

[Image: study-8th-jan.jpg]

Hey here's another thing i've been working on!

[Image: mike+jones-sassy+and+the+shades.jpg]



Hey trying to keep up to date with everything is tough, here's some stuff ive been working on

[Image: 780x594.webp]

[Image: 780x633.webp]

[Image: captain_greyas_maneuver_by_michael_jones-d5whg2c.jpg]

[Image: zoidberg_by_michael_jones-d5wh84n.jpg]

[Image: zug_zug_by_michael_jones-d5txur3.jpg]

[Image: jack_of_diamons_chow_by_michael_jones-d5tpj0z.jpg]


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