Styles' Grimoire of Art Magic
Thanks Madzia, that really helped, i was actually looking for that stream (saw it months ago)

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
...and some leather
[Image: workingonleather.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
again...photoshop freezes preventing me from finishing my stuff...luckily my new PC is on its way.

I tried to do something i´ve never done before...a humanoind monster...thing.
[Image: bug.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
glad to hear that you are going to have a new computer, be sure to start working hard on those studies once you receive it.
For this buggy guy, i see what you are trying to do, have you played mass effect? You could go for something like the Collectors.
But first, do studies about real bugs to understand how their ugly bodies work.
Keep drawing! :)

ah yes Eddy, i played the first mass effect a long time ago. i´ll take a look at the Collectors.
i´ll study very hard when my comupter arrives.

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
i finally got my tablet pc...then i lose my internet. yay

i did this one so i could get used to the new tablet.

[Image: BloodKnight2.jpg]

i learnt a lot from this one.

[Image: theencounter2.jpg]

and i'm pretty happy with this one. i like the obvious texture look. i'll experiment a little more with it.

[Image: futurdronecopy.jpg]

time to do mooore studies!!

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
trying out what i learnt from doing female studies...
[Image: victoriassecreatcopygd2.jpg]
conclusion...need to do more studies.

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
This one took me a while to do but i learnt a ton from's been almost a year since i started painting and i'm way behind my deathline :(

[Image: ahappyenconternb.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
You have made some AMAZING improvements, I'm sure anyone who saw where you were at the start of this, right until now would be impressed. Great job sir :). I love the imaginative characters you're trying to create, and the scale of your images. Keep up with that, and complimenting it with whatever studies you've been doing has helped a lot. I especially love the last female study.
Thank you Butterknife. i'll keep at it.

my first 30 minutes speed paint...i might fix the comp and take it to finish.

[Image: cuteghosty.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
hi, vansty! Nice sketchbook! I love how this is evolving. Your anatomy could use a little more observation, but your compositions are looking great! They all have good depth and atmosphere! Great stuff! Keep it up!

thx, you are right Rognoll. i'm working on my anatomy fundamentals.

some loomis studies
[Image: loomisstudy1.jpg]

chase stone value study
[Image: chasestonevaluestudy.jpg]
i can see that i'm sticking too much to the midtones...i should work with more value range.

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
applying the helpful crits Forrest Imel gave on my last painting :) (thanks Forrest!!)

[Image: ahappyencontercritted.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
You've got spirit, do more studies and loomis, then apply what you've learned. Keep fighting!

i have been doing a ton of anatomy studies. and i am/was working on this
[Image: firemancer.jpg]

....i just got tired of looking at do people paint the same thing for months?

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
a quick Brad Rigney value study.
[Image: mtg__apostle__s_blessing_by_cryptcrawler...20copy.jpg]

i'm still sticking too much to the midtones...i guess i have to try harder.

right now i'm working on a big challenging painting i'll post my WIP soon.

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
here is the WIP....i need a day or two to color, fix and render.

[Image: epic.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
I havent left my house in a wrist and back are killing me for pulling 12 hours of study/ painting for the last week. I better take a one day break before i kill myself.

this is the final. there are some things i like and hate about it. i could work at it for a day more but my PC can't handle the size.

[Image: epic2.jpg]
Guardians of the White Obelisk

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
I decided to do face studies for a while after this painting. then i'll work on a portfolio piece (i dont expect to get any jobs with my crappy art, its just to keep me pumped)

[Image: ElderDrake.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
For the first time i decided to start in color and use linework. i kinda like the workflow and i'll be starting is color from now on.

[Image: A_losing_battle.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.

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