Silver's Sketchbook
when the classes are boring, i start to sketch shit like this haha :

+ trying the scott roberson style.

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that eagle is amazing...keep sketching <3 i love these
Beautiful sketches! i want to see moar!!!
(04-09-2013, 09:47 AM)Istebrak Wrote: that eagle is amazing...keep sketching <3 i love these

WOW I really aprecciate your comment, Thank u so much :)

(04-09-2013, 10:14 AM)hamoomy Wrote: Beautiful sketches! i want to see moar!!!

Thank you mate :)


Thumbnails ,which of these is the best option ?

Ohhhh nice stuff man, keep at it ! For the thumbnails it depends what mood you are going for, but personally out of preference I like number first one on the bottom

(04-09-2013, 01:48 PM)JacobJanerka Wrote: Ohhhh nice stuff man, keep at it ! For the thumbnails it depends what mood you are going for, but personally out of preference I like number first one on the bottom

Thanks jacob, i will choose that one ,thanks :)

Knight :p

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today's poop, experimenting with the lasso tool ,i'm not really good painting mechs,yet... :)

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YETI!! Not finished i guess.. i would like at least one comment T-T, fucking snow i hate it haha

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well back to paint again! my hand feels a little better ! i now the composition sucks but this was kinda a color study, hope it doesn't suck much for you guys :)

Thumbnail time!!!

Today wasn't a really productive day, but i really enjoied doing this before going to sleep

Hope you like .

i would like at least one comment T-T

Girl Studies!!

A lot of good stuff here, man, just continue working on pushing your values and constructions with each thing you do.

(05-25-2013, 06:51 PM)MrFrenik Wrote: A lot of good stuff here, man, just continue working on pushing your values and constructions with each thing you do.

Thank you so much for your comment , i will !

Warming up !!

I Keep working on my values ,i feel like i've finally began to understand the relationship between colors and values :)

Sketchathon's reference study !!!

i feel like i'm a little "SHY" working with color, IT'S TIME TO TAKE RISKS :)


That mech when you were experimenting with the lasso tool is fantastic. I really like it.
Careful you dont over use it though, some edges especially in your last enviros are all a bit hard, try playing with the feather option in the lasso tool bar if you want to keep using that :) Give it a shot and let me know how it goes :)

Thanks for stopping by my sb too :)

i need you to do moar pencil studies!!! Your digitals are better than your pencils :)

Life is full of possibilities, If you don't make mistakes then you'll never learn.


(05-27-2013, 04:10 PM)Jaik Wrote: That mech when you were experimenting with the lasso tool is fantastic. I really like it.
Careful you dont over use it though, some edges especially in your last enviros are all a bit hard, try playing with the feather option in the lasso tool bar if you want to keep using that :) Give it a shot and let me know how it goes :)

Thanks for stopping by my sb too :)

thank you for your tips!!! yeah i feel the same ,i need to work harder ! stupid edges haha.

(05-27-2013, 04:48 PM)kencentric Wrote: i need you to do moar pencil studies!!! Your digitals are better than your pencils :)

Thank you so much for commenting on my sketchbook ,it makes me happy Sillyp1

so.. colors are really hard haha ,the perspective is really bad i know, just practicins with colors !

Samurais rlz!! ♥

v2 edited

You have a good mix of warm and cool colors in these sketches, so I think you got something out of it. You can always push it more, though, and pay close attention to your values as well while doing these. Colors are the icing on the cake; your values are the cake. :)


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