Damn man, I've been asking professional artists for years for a mentorship and all I get back is "nah, that sounds like too much work". It sounds like you do already, but this is an amazing thing to have arranged for yourself so I really hope you realise the vaue of it! Well done for being so proactive!

About the external stress of others on your case, yeah it is rough, but try not to react too much to the dumb stuff people will attempt to pin on you based on their own expecttions and desires, just watch them pin it, say ok thanks and then watch it slide off and get back to doing your thing. Easier said than done, but it can be done if you are aware of it.

Oh and your line work is already so much better. Well done man, I'm really happy for you! (I'm monkeybread, just going by my real name now :))

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta

Hell yes! Love this udate, Man! I can relate so much and all that stuff you already know :3

Go go go! No letting Hank Pym senpai down--!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Awesome opportunity man ! Please post updates of your work as often as you can. It's an awesome insight to see what sort of assignments a mentor like that has for his students and what he considers to be wrong in them when you "turn them in". I don't know about others but I am quite interested !

Tried to put the Bargue pages side by side with yours and see why he considered them wrong. I could tell what was wrong in most of them except the eye one. Damn, still can't tell exactly what's wrong with that one.

You go man !

@gabriel-h- yeah man! have at it (: Thanks for popping in!

@MONKEYBREAD (:-Mhmmm smile, nod, get back to work. Thanks, man! I don't feel like I've improved much, but looking back at everything up to this point; I do notice a bit of progression. Gotta thank Mr. Pym haha

@smrr(fette)- hahaha yes smrr-chan! I must continue to work hard! WORK HARD FOR HANK-SENPAI!!!! :DD

@adrian-It's super crazy...I still get some nerves when I'm commuting up to his place. Yeah, for sure, man; I'm going to post all of my stuff here and elaborate on significant stages in the mentor ship.


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DUDE, awesome studies, i LOVE the value ones :D! Feel free to PM me if you have any doubts or anything. Maybe the stuff i'll show you will be a little outdated...but here it goes, when doing foreshortening, don't worry about drawing the far away stuff smaller or the closer stuff bigger, focus on trying to make it look like it's in front or behind the shapes!

Also be aware of muscles interaction, chest muscles, biceps and triceps all seem to flow subtly under the shoulder, when should the biceps be flexed? when should the triceps be flexed?
you seem to be in good hands man, keep studying and try to have fun :D

maybe this will help you, or maybe you nailed down by now:

i hope i helped you somehow, cheers!

@Gabriel-H: dang man! This was really reallllly helpful; feels like you just cleared fog from my face haha such a dire contrast. Please, please stick around haha (your version of trunks looks much cooler with the accurate anatomy/proportions)

WEEK 5IVEEEEE!! Introducing, guns silos! No bargue plates, since I forgot my book at home the day I visited Hank.

I realize my figures suck when the naked contour line is only available; can't hide behind rendering and other tricks. Ugh, feels weird...weird as hell.

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I woke up in a huge warehouse sitting in a chair with a damn light above my head. I looked up, and a piece of dirt fell from the dusty fixture onto my eye and instinctively, my eye closed and opened and closed and openedclosedopended paiehfh over and over; I was blinking. As I reached up to rub my face, I realized that my wrists were tied together! BEHIND THE CHAIR!!!!!

After the speck of dirt dissolved within the pus and tears escaping from my eyes, I opened them to find the silhouette of a wild THING approaching me. At first I froze in fear, but soon I acknowledged the impending doom that awaited me; I started erratically shuffling and bouncing in the chair that held me a prisoner in this beasts den.

It broke into the view and shared the same strobe of light that illuminated my being: IT WAS F****ING SMRRFETTE THO!!

She had a damn revolver, maan. "Smrr" then brought that shit to my face and shoved the barrel in action I found odd considering the threat she issued me was:

"Update you're goddamn sketchbook or I will EAT you."


Hence, the below images.

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[Image: slit-mouthed-woman-710x299.jpg]
*looks Mannyhaatz straight in the eye*

"This update has pleased me, there shall be no need to remove the mask... and feast upon thee."

*pulls the revolver out of Man's mouth and slithers away, up some scaffolding and out a window*

(P.s. but omfg I wish I could like this update more than once hey!!?


Keep being hardcore Man, because omjesus you'll reap what you put in!)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
I'm gonna work on that time management, get in that kim jung gi mental state...but realizing that it's much easier said than done when one lives in the Real Life.

Here lies a caca thumbnail for an upcoming illustration: the dudes on either side need to be adjusted so that it's clear who's in front/back. I decided they'll be walking down a set of stairs...the chick in the middle nees to be muuuuuch taller and fantastic, with a wonder woman/amazon-esque physique. The woman she's carrying will be in a gown or tattered dress. She will be of average female stature.

They're all knight dudes wearing helmets, so hair shouldn't be loose and flowing out...

I dont wanna rework the thumbnail, but given how broken the comp is, I prob should. Regardless if the changes are in my head, it's good practice anyways to redo things and apply changes. The thinking aspect is A LOT harder when the drawing component is traditional.

AND, the second image is a sketchbook page of me doodling with a focus on armor stuff. A lot of my drawings are spread across, like, three sketchbooks; there are pages with only like 2 images...a visual manifestation of my strewn about grey matter.

Bought a buttload of books so I wouldn't have to rely on the internet for ref and study goods; I want to be able to work without having my phone or computer on ):


ok that's all get outta here.

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Your heads are getting better your heads are getting beeetterrrr!
(Still can't get over that update)

also: hell yessssssss! I legit saw it the other day! friggin' crazy, but I loved it. it's up there with Ichi the Killer muahaha!
I was actually going to post Kakihara... ( if you've seen Ichi, you'd get the reference as well lolol)
But yeah Man, get into that Kim Jung Gi mindset -- when there's time, anything's possible, so try searching and finding those lost seconds O: #deep #sodeep #noteventhatdeep

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
@smrr-thanks! I need to stop drawing heads, cause that's like my comfort zone...all I ever draw really, I mean, what the hell's below the neck LOL
ah, I haven't seen that one...looks intense; reminds me of Kung Fu Hustle, though haha

Lately, I've been getting a lot of emails, texts, messages and mail sent to my house asking me what REALLY gets my body feeling good. So, in an effort to answer them all in one fell swoop, I made this:

These last 2 images are just study apply stuff and an image I'm working on. I created this very cool method of study/drawing that fits very well in my work schedule. I mean, it's like super sleek man...streamline and sexy, whip cream everywhere oiled and ready. On the days I work, I either study anatomy or light/color/rendering stuff. On the days I DON'T HAVE TO WERRRRRRK, I study a design element relevant to whatever piece or project I'm working on for a few hours then I work on said project, applying the shit I've learned.

I'm letting go of the idea of having many pages in my sketchbook filled a day....I just don't work like that; my mind prefers to focus on a single image and REALLLY understand it before I move on. I observe, put ref away, replicate it, look at ref again, and draw said ref image in my own way...

A fun thing I did today was observe an object for maybe 5mins and try to draw as accurately as I can off the dome; it eases pressure off of getting it perfect because the anticipation of trying to get it as close as I can excites me. Afterwards, I copy the image, noting all of my mistakes from before and I draw again without looking at it.

What else....ummm OH! I actually had fun while working on my WIP was fun just doodling designs, trying to nail proportions and I was doing it while listening to dan's artcamp paintover videos. I think it was more relaxing because I reaalllly made it a point to plan ahead, study with a goal in mind...ya know, all of that stuff. I wasn't going in blind...dry and brittle...uninformed.

I was wet and ready.

too much text for such an insignificant upload LAWL MANNYHAAATZZZ LAWL

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It looks like you're really starting to develop your process. Your drawing looks a lot more concise as well. Cant give any crits just keep on dewin' it!

Aaaah, Kung Fu Hustle... one of my all-time favourite moviessss ~

ain't that the best feeling? working with a goal in mind?
also, that memory-copy method is a really good exercise to level up, keep it up!

keep working on that project and kicking ass Man!

p.s. similar influences are similar haha

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
@smrr- it's the best, seriously...Just gotta keep my ass glued to my chair and focus! Don't deviate from the plan.
Oh god, speaking of that, something dangerous happened today: I ordered more 'art of' books and some fashion/design books and they ALL came today in the mail...long story short, i'm surprised I got annythiiing done at alllll today, haha. only had a few hours before work and I managed to get some work done
Reallly niiiiice! Our brains must have been harvested in the same vat. The obvious explanation, of course.

This my 3rd consecutive day uploading! woooo. Hedz wit nekz:

...i know I know; underwhelming as hell, but at least it's something...:l

Something I did for a friend to give to a friend. Forgot to scan it before a tore it out my book, so I asked my friend's friend to send it to him so he can send it to me so I can show it to you guys.

Did some studies too but it wasn't enough to qualify as a full post.

4th consecutive day updating!!

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If I'm going to post everything, I really, REALLY REAAALLLLY FUCKING want to acknowledge everything I'm feeling in the moment that I'm posting my art: I'm angry as hell and I want to hurt sooooo many fucking people; I am livid with anger and everything unholy; bequeathed with the loathing of each of our nighmare's fallen angels and drowned dreams all with the searing passion of a cataclysmic catastrophe that is more than capable of ending the fucking universe as we know it, turning it on its head and as a result of that, making humanity relive the very birth of existence before consciousness was even an object of reality.

In my willingness to exploit my shit art, okay art, and the ever so rare GOOD art, my present emotions will undoubtedly bleed through the pages. I don't agree with this new age method of the "online sketchbook" especially during this very claustrophobic, "time-death" portion of my life...

I need to work my stupid fast food job and work on my art. My parents basically said FUCK YOU DEVAN, YOU WORTHLESS LAZY WASTE OF SPACE and want me moved out in a place of my own June 1st. I am desperately trying to get at least some sort of fucking lousy art paid commission...a studio job even before I fucking start packing. If not, I will have to find a NEW fucking piece of shit, shit-job so I can afford to pay rent, which means I will have to undoubtedly put art goals and artistic endeavors on the all-the-way-the-fuck backest of the burners...if I'm working 40-50 hrs a week in a warehouse, that will really slow down everything; my ignorant ass parents would have effectively fucked me.

I am out of $5000 dollars because of THAT FUCKING WORTHLESS TRASH OF A MENTOR taking advantage of my desperation. Yes, I paid this bitch 5grand, which is my fault, but I was under so much fucking pressure from the atmosphere in my own home. After my accident, I had no way to commute to this dude's place for the private lessons...I asked if he could refund at least SOME of the money I paid him upfront (dumbass devan bitch) but he said it "wasn't in his power"


FUCKING BULLSHIT YOU LYING SON OF A BITCH. The money was directly deposited from my Chase Checking Account to HIS FUCKING CHASE CHECKINGS ACCOUNT.

Recently I got in an argument with my mother about studying and portfolio building; she said I was a "sad excuse of an artist if you don't have anything to show after a year and a half of 'honing your craft' " Negativity is an airborne disease in my home that is causing me to redefine what family means to me and my poor decisions made in haste taught me to fucking rely on MY OWN mettle and not to trust a damn being on this planet.

I hate showing my sketches online. I am definitely at my weakest mentally, so why in the hell would I further expose and create new wounds by revealing something as private as a sketchbook, for everyone to silently and openly judge DAILY?

...well, first of all I'm not stupid as I m emotional: in the future I know I will thank myself for it. Second of all, if anything DOES come from this very bleak point in my life, I can help others who are going through the same fucking thing.

BUT RIGHT NOW, I am angry and I really want everything to burn in hell

If I wake up at 10am on work days, I have approimately 3 hours MAX to study and work on my portfolio.

If I wake up at 7am, that gives me 5 hours MAX to study and work on my portfolio.

On my off days I can probably wake up at 10am, start drawing by 11:30am and work until 12am...obviously with break in between.

I have a nice method of going about this's just a shame that I can't truly enjoy seeing the pieces fall into place with my "eviction" looming on the horizon. A damn shame...

Time to get to bed so I can really reallly try to wake up early tomorrow...My last day off was Monday and my next day off is Monday LOL. laaawwwl: 4 more fucking days.

If it weren't for exercise, I would be a puddle of nothing. I would like to thank that shit for my unwavering commitment to this bitch; I am by NO. FUCKING. MEANS. DEMOTIVATED. So you can get that sentiment and shove it up your ass.

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Day 2. (high: 4 days)

I'm going toalternate between each project every week instead of every 2 days haha

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Lordy lordy lordy can't wait until Monday!! MY weekend begins :DD

Worked on this before work...didn't do any warmup sketches before I jumped in due to time constraints... I have 4 more days on this until I begin working on the other "stuff" it would be nice if I finish it before that time on my upcoming days off :)

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Hey dude, sounds like a tough patch you are going through, but all I can say is two or maybe 3 things.

1. Don't remain angry. It's a useless emotion that will end up hurting you more than whatever you are angry about. Feel it, accept it, then move on.
2. Perspective. We always lose it when we focus on our own plight. You have health, you have youth, you live in a country where you have education, the very basics of clean water, a steady food source, relative security and opportunity. Don't take these for granted. 1.3 billion people today live on $1.45 a day, almost 60% of all humanity on $10 or less.
3. Don't be so serious. The moment I realise things are getting really Serious (capital S) about how I view my situation without being able to be light hearted, is the moment I realise I am being a selfish little prima donna. Not calling you one, just the more self focused you are on your problem the more serious everything seems to become in your mind.

I'm not trying to invalidate your feelings at all, but don't wallow in the dark places where you go around in circles thinking, what if or, if only ; instead accept your situation, just trust in yourself and your instincts and go with it. Things should work out, and if not exactly to plan, well that's life for you and the flaw of most humans in wanting to control more than we ever could to start with.

Always here for support if you need man. :) Now get unserious and enjoy the time you do have. The future will take care of itself in some other now.

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
@thanks amitt...things are just a bit flimsy. Some screws need re-tightening.

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