@pnate yeah definitely,; I just understood the importance of his advice and it's finally hitting home!

@eduardogaray I saw what you posted in tygerson's sketchbook about studying the shapes of a figure: your examples were cool. It isn't about merely copying, but UNDERSTANDING. Thanks for being so helpful.

Hey buddy!

Been checking up on your sketchbook every now and then to see if you've updated it since the 15th...
I noticed you haven't and so I just wanted to say I hope everything is okay and I hope you're keeping up to speed with your goals.

I miss you and your hard work ethic!

Come back as soon as possible!
we're all here waiting for you :)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Please sir can I have some sweet updates plaisss~ :_D

smrrfette, anzhou: I realized I have been so hell bent on increasing my skill, that I forgot to have fun with painting and sketching. I know I need to do studies to get better...but, ever since I took this seriously, it became a constant race to the end! I want to enjoy myself. I want my skill to become a natural progression, not a stressful pursuit of perfection! I lost my way for a bit...but NOW I'M BACK. I WILL update regularly!!!

My mini sketchdump. Hopefully there is some improvement from the first image to the last image (the last being the most recent...duh lol) I had a momentary phobia with forums...haven't checked my email in a month because I was scare to see how much better you all have gotten via sketchbook update notifications...Well, time to stop being a pussy.

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Glad to hear from ya!

Hehe its a something that plagues me too, so very hard to keep my mind relaxed ya know?

Natural progression sounds good :) can't wait to see what you're working on :)

I know exactly what you mean, I'm glad I'm not the only one! :l
Thanks for not counting me out; I'm going to make beautiful things

Good to see you again man!! My suggestion is that you try to use more basic brushes, don't worry about texture so much(at least atm), focus on the form, think about every brush stroke that you put down, they have to mean something, keep it up!!

Hey Manny,

I did a drawover on your dreadful dude :D (love the name hehe)

Just some ideas I have, take a look and see if it helps any?

No worries if you don't find it useful right now :)

Keep makin' ARTTTT~

(couldn't resist!)

Hey man, so glad you're alive and kicking!

I completely understand what you were going through and sometimes taking a break really is the only way to combat it.
The second you're coming to realise art is becoming a chore, it's always good to re-evaluate your study to personal work ratio. If studying becomes too overwhelming, you can always kick back and work on another piece :D

I'm enjoying that last batch you've posted! And yeah welcome back!

P.s. we'd never count you out, we're in this together now

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
M.Calza: Thanks, I'm focused now! Yeah you're right, it's probably not in my best interest to play with custom brushes when my most basic of skills are still questionable haha I am thankful for your time and advice!

anzhou: Oh mah gawd! I am very thankful for the paintover! Just, really opens my eyes to things I must consider when rendering faces; I nearly forgot about the planes of the face...just shows how important studies are...those daunting studies. The before and after are like night and day thanks man! Oh, and did you like the pun? haha

smrrfette: Hahaha yeah I might as well been dead...working long shifts and doing studies completely burned me out. Thanks for the kind words; they really supplement my resolve! Now it's up to me to focus and work smarter.

Sketched a bat man before heading off to the pandemonium I call my job...oh and some random doodooles. Not much to show....

HAHAHAHAHA. Who am I kidding; I ain't got SHEEEEEITT to show. But anything is better than nothing.

Tomorrow, I am going to start doing studies again. Tomorrow, I am going to start doing studies again, I said.

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I like that you're spacing the eyes better in perspective in your bald guy sketch :) Awesome.

Also, if you compare your drawings with the old ones, you're definitely improving! Be more patient when solving your problems and you will feel the improvement more.

Good update man :)

Great stuff going on here Manny. I love that you're having a bit more fun recently. I'll be back home next weekend! And I will start updating my sketchbook here again.

anzhou: ah! Thanks man! I suppose I am making a bit of improvement (emphasis on that "bit" part). I'm beginning to feel it when I think about it, though, it may just be gas.

Nexuun: Hey long time no talk; hope you were enjoying your break! I never thought for a second that you were going to throw in the towel. Well, maybe a few seconds....hahaha 'twas a joke buddy :P

A herd of gestures, a group of women, a duo of "women" and a bunch of scribbly bullshit.

My attention span automatically taps out when I do studies as of late...boy do I detest them.

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Astounding progress. Dont stop (me) now!

A sketch of the Vader before I sleep in the bed.

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crackedskull: thanks man! I sure hope I am making this "progress" that you speak of haha


I've been doing a few studies of the adult female human, so, I figured my next image should be an adult female woman...

...gettin' jiggy wit it :D

I initially didn't know what to draw, so I was scribBLINGspeoiohoh until I saw forms, lines I liked, and sexy shapes. Then I started painting and playing around with the image; I tried to put her in a dancing environment (which failed miserably) but get this: I only used the HARD ROUND BRUSH! (and the soft round for the hair) WOO! Yaaaay I feel enlightened in that aspect because before, this was my biggest issue. I didn't know how to play with the opacity settings to blend until now whenever I attempted to use the hard round, it was usually on full opacity...and in my mind I was thinking 'how the hell does one paint with this thing?' .

Well yeah, here's my latest ass-quality painting. Not even close to being finished....(don't really wanna finish it) Though, I laughably learned a loOOOt

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There's progress since the first page for sure man, keep'm coming!
About the hard brush, do you use a tablet right? I'm asking because, in this last one, I can see that your strokes don't have any opacity nor size jitter, maybe that's the reason you're having trouble with it. If you don't know what I'm talking about I'll be happy to explain, if you do, sorry ;)

M.Calza: After reading your comment I looked at the brush settings and saw the options for size and opacity jitter...would you mind explaining those for me...? hahaha this software is full of surprises. Custom brushes to the basic hard round, to jittering??? MADNESS!!!

I REALIZED THAT FUN AND STUDIES CAAAAAN COEXIST. Studying things I want to draw, and attempting to draw from the dome. HOWEVER, I feel my unwillingness to draw from reference is stunting my growth...but at the same time, I don't want to be completely dependent on references...ugh dat dilemma.
You're gonna see the ladies, jessica biel, and some WIPS of a lady without reference.

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Those gesture you did have wonderful, confident lines Manny, lookin' gooooood!

And your faces have improved by tenfold, keep kicking ass but more importantly, that you're enjoying yourself as you find out more about yourself than you ever thought possible (not to sound corny, but it's true, y'know c:)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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