Doodle studies playin' and my finished character from the character generator for me and smrrfette's DANGER SQUAD group

The prompt for the dude

Character Name- Cedric Mizutani

Character Archetype:
Character Type- Hero
Archetype- Hot Shot Hero
Role- Comedic Performer Type
Gender- Male
Zodiac/Element- Sagittarius/Fire
Powers- None

Physical Traits:
Body Type- Undefined/Moderate
Height- Moderate/6ft+
Skin Tone- Light/40%-50%
Face Type- Square Type
Hair Color- Brown Variation
Hair Style- Curly Type
Hair Length- Moderate
Eyebrow Shape- Angled
Eye Shape- Hooded Eyes
Eye Color- Blue
Ear Shape- Large
Nose Shape- Turned up Nose
Lip Shape- Very Fleshed
Skin Variants- None
Facial Hair- None

Clothing Era- Traditional Turkish Fashion/Clothing
Clothing Type- Heavy Wear Type

Hair- Fascinator
Head- None
Neck- None
Left Arm- None
Right Arm- None
Left Hand- Rings
Right Hand- None
Left Leg- None
Right Leg- None
Left Foot- None
Right Foot- None

Weaponry- Launching Type

Oh, and a carrie kelley

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Danger Squad (w/smrrfette) Objective 2 thumbnails and some personal studies/sketches.

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Hey Manny, that 7 hr still life is looking good!

As far as overall critique, I'd say focus on two things:


Precision: really cultivate a passion for taking your time and ensuring things are as accurate as possible.

Keep working from life and simplifying things until they make sense. Use volumetric primitives for construction and always be mindful of what your doing--At this stage in the game it pays more skill dividends than letting your brain check out.

Fundamentals: Leafing through your SB, I'm seeing a lack of value separation and edge control as far as painting goes. For your figurative work, it's mostly the construction of your forms and the proportions. work to better your understanding and application of the basics and you'll raise your abilities to a new level.

That being said, I still see progress! Just keep focusing in on your blind spots until you're able to develop the ability to rectify that which you previously hadn't seen.

Keep it up! I'll be checking back.


Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Thanks for the critique man! Sketchbook is like a ghost town; I was really eager to receive some feedback on my studies and stuff.
Yeah, just recently I got back into the swing of deliberate studying along with normal sketching. It feels gross studying hard again because I''m not use to it anymore and my god I know it shows in my artwork ):
I'm going to work harder! Hopefully, I amend some bad habits by the next time you visit. Thanks again man (:

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These hands...ffffffffffffffffffffff these hands man ): they hurted me in the heart )))))''''':

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Updatuh on characteruh

The PSD was damaged so I'm working on top of a jpeg I saved. hqehwejmno uhyb giy FUCK

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Character is starting to look badass. Keep it up!

Wow, you're definitely getting better. The values and form turning improved so much. Corrupted psds suck ass. Photoshop is sometimes so unreliable and from version to version getting worse when it comes to stability. For me, CS6 sucked compared to CS3. Just bought a subscription of CC... hope it will be better and because of being in cloud, updated more often.

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
crackedskull- thank you so much!! (': I hit a wall so I think I peaked in badassedry...for now at least :/

Kerm- thanks man! It's cool when others can eye improvement in another's art. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if PS is one of the top causes of suicide internationally.

Here's the latest incarnation of my dude from the Danger Squad group.


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(12-09-2013, 02:23 PM)Mannyhaatz Wrote: Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if PS is one of the top causes of suicide internationally.
Haha, your comment killed me. :)

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
Kerm: hahaha it's real life man

Sketches! I am using my sketchbook strictly for studies; the act of erasing and physically writing/drawing helps me learn and retain information betterrrererererer. Because uhhh... neurological voodoo magic.

Dat duude sketch is looking to be my next painting :O

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Hi Devan,
It's great to see your progress so far. I think you are doing really well. Here's something you might consider working on that is more on the technical side of things: mark-making.

I think that the quality of one's mark-making has a lot to do with the overall perception of their work. It is really important to use your tools in a way that displays your commitment to producing professional work. From looking at some of your sketches and renderings, I can see a type of urgency to the marks. I would advise you to slow down a bit and spend some more time, not just drawing, but also considering what lines to actually draw.

Here are some tips I received that have helped me: Always keep your pencil sharp, and avoid making scratching motions when indicating tone. Consider why something needs to be shaded, then try to follow the form of the object with your marks. Sketch your overall forms and construction very lightly, making corrections as necessary, then add your darker marks. I made a little sketch to show you what I mean.

These tips can translate to PS in some ways, but I think it is more important to think about 'how' you are making your images as you work, regardless of the medium. I hope this helps in some way and keep up the great work with Danger Squad projects.

"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
Hey, Mr. Javier: I never really thought of sketching in that manner before, I mean, obviously; haha my sketchbook is filled with back-scratch rendering marks and yes I want to improooove! Wow, your version of my bald dude is very clean and precise; one can easily sense that you are indeed the professional mark maker. Thanks for taking the time to help me realize my flaws, in great detail too!

I have been using my sketchbook specifically for my studies nowadays, so I will be sure to heed your advice whenever I work in it and on the danger squad projects!

Oh, and your sketchbook makes my body feel great about life.

UPDATE: Here's a horribly captured shot of a sketchbook page and a study of tom cruise-

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GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE; seems like I regressed in my skill even though I've been drawing everyday!!! I started to study head construction again, just to keep me sharp on the subject but it seems as if it made me's causing me to over think EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVERYYYYYYYYYYYYYTHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING.

The features weren't as frustrating; happy I only had to use reference for 2 or 3 of them.

I never studied metal before, it was interesting, even though it was a short study.

Trying to prep myself for my next painting.

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Nice sketchbook ;) You are sure working hard on your craft. Keep it up ;3

Damn, can't add much to what Einver and Javier said. But you've definitely improved a bunch during the course of this sketchbook dude! Working hard and going forward.
Really dig the bearded character that you're working on. You could probably introduce some more contrast, since he's quite midtone in his values!
I also see you working with gray as a background. It looks like it has the same value throughout your paintings. Try to play around with what value and color you have as a base. Maybe indicate some details so that you have something to put your characters against! It could help you with values!

I saw you talking about speed and how much time to spend on paintings in earlier posts. Some older masters could spend up to and beyond 10 years on certain pieces. Would be fun to know if they also worried about speed :D

you have great improvement so far. I too like the bearded character painting, I would like to see his hand less wide and longer fingers, right now they seem awkward next to each other for some reason.
Good grind.Don't forget to keep doing your gesture drawings to help you with ur figures since they do seem a bit stiff at points.You can never have enough movement lol.Keep it up

ramalooke: thank you! i wanna be beautiful someday

Bjuvlar: that's a good idea; I will implement that into my next image (: yeah, quality, not quantity!! something I need to keep in mind

spiffy: now that you mention it, the hand does look a bit skewed...a bit off. It's supposedly finished, but it wouldn't hurt to go back to it and correct some things. push it farther too.

rindoukan: I use to be a huuuuge gesture fiend. time to get these bodies loose. oil them up

updaate: studies, sketches and a WIP of a dude man

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