MCalza's Sketchbook
Hi there, I'm Matheus, and I decided that I'm gonna take drawing seriously and want to work with it, and been doing that for a couple of months now, I'll post some older things at the beginning and update daily later. I really not 100% sure of what I'm doing but I'll figure it out along the way. Critiques and comments are very welcome, sorry for any english mispelling. So, yeah, let's begin!

Some gestures and some Hampton's studies

So, after all the Ca/Tad things going on I think I'll be here more often, I won't post everything I've done in these months that I posted there, this is the later stuff, and we keep going from here :D.

Some figures (some from imagination and some from ref), heads from imagination, some clothing stuff, and a character.
Hmm...I'm feeling that I not have a specific direction in my studies.

Hey Matheus! (Stalked your name haha, hope you don't mind either :3 )
Firstly -- welcome to the Daggers! Again, so happy you're here dude :) !
Secondly, now that I'm seeing more of your refless work, a lot more style is shining through and your studies are more killer since I last popped by! Sooooo yeah buddy - your skb is reeeeeally is enjoyable to scroll through! :D
As for the 'random study' -- totally up to you, I personally find targeting a weakness after doing some refless sketches and studying that element for a good amount of time is helping me learn faster... But most importantly: learn what you want to learn :)
And you know the drill - keep up the flow!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
>> Steph >> Hey there, tnx for stopping by :D, there's just a little problem with "learn what I want" is that I'm not really sure about that :huh:

For now I did 2 characters from imagination and them try to loose up my lines a little with some clothing/style/visuallibrary stuff.

Very nice sketches man!
Smrrrfette was just saying that you can focus "random studies" on stuff your'e not really comfortable about. Suck at drawing hands? Suck at drawing cars? Go for it, in your time - so when youre required to draw it, it will not be hard :)

>> Ursula >> Vlw pelo coment :), o que eu quis dizer na verdade é que nao tenho muita certeza do que gosto ou quero desenhar(acabei me perdendo, longa historia), mas estou me encontrando aos poucos, vendo coisas diferentes, visitando algumas coisas antigas, acredito que isso venha com o tempo.

I did a lot of loose sketches, nothing really good but I'll post everything.

Hi, cool sketches! I really dig the gesture drawings and body studies. If I may suggest something, it would be working more on faces with a realistic approach, skull structure, expressions and so on.

Good work overall, keep it up!

>> Ros >> Tnx, I'll try do more of that.

For now, my internet was really bad this last week so I was unable to post anything, I think it's fixed now, not much to say

For today :)

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Hey there are some pretty cool designs in here!

>> Nylelevi >> Tnx :D

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Long time no see! It's great to see you are still as committed as ever! As always, your linework is amazing.

I wonder what a fully rendered character delved from a series of concepts would look like with your skill!

>> Mannyhaatz >> Tnx man :D, I'm being lazy to post, but I'm painting/drawing everyday, about the fully rendered character, it will be here soon.

For now.

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I picked one of those last designs and rendered, I know there's a lot of stuff wrong, but it's kind of hard for me to see it :(
I finished a couple more, I'll post it soon.

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I finished two more

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dude... Imma let you finish, but your designs are the best of all time OF ALL TIME-!! (lolkanyewest)
Seriously! Your designs are amazeballs and would you look at those paintings!?! #__#"
you said 'don't forget about us when you reach the top'... but I really think that applies to you!!
Eager to see moreeee as usual o/ !

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
really love your sketches! you seem to have a great sense of expression in the faces, would be great if you pushed this further with the gestures of the figures, look forward to seeing more!


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