A little advice?.. Maybe
I'm not sure if I am posting in right area so sorry if I am. I just had my 17th birthday yesterday and I got an intuos 5 med. I plan on going into illustration and can anyone tell me what I should be working on first as I start out. Thank you in advance for any help.
Start teaching yourself how to digitally paint(?)
You're referring to what you should with the tablet, right?
Outside of that you still need to improve your traditional drawing skills.
Read Successful Drawing and Figure Drawing for All It's Worth by Andrew Loomis.

(02-24-2013, 03:24 AM)Nexuun Wrote: Start teaching yourself how to digitally paint(?)
You're referring to what you should with the tablet, right?
Outside of that you still need to improve your traditional drawing skills.
Read Successful Drawing and Figure Drawing for All It's Worth by Andrew Loomis.

Thank you! I'll check that book out.
You may also want to work on your fundamental drawing skills such as use of value, form, lighting, composition etc. Watching lots of digital painting tutorials on youtube can help also, xia taptara has some great ones and daarken, as well as matt kohr as mentioned above, he is the author of ctrlpaint.com. Also if you search for dave rapoza or dan warren they have livestream crits on youtube and tutorial videos where you can learn a lot just by watching and listening to them work and crit other peoples work.

Do you have work online for us to view?

Work on basic drawing skills, draw everything, all the time, and post your work up, the good and the bad. You'll learn faster by letting other artists view your work.

Check out all the links in the resources section and jump in on the live streams you see people link them in the shout box, they are there for people to converse and talk about art and technique.
(02-25-2013, 12:03 AM)JonHop Wrote: You may also want to work on your fundamental drawing skills such as use of value, form, lighting, composition etc. Watching lots of digital painting tutorials on youtube can help also, xia taptara has some great ones and daarken, as well as matt kohr as mentioned above, he is the author of ctrlpaint.com. Also if you search for dave rapoza or dan warren they have livestream crits on youtube and tutorial videos where you can learn a lot just by watching and listening to them work and crit other peoples work.

Thank you for all those great people, I have looked up the people on youtube and I plan on searching on the livestreams later.

(03-01-2013, 01:33 PM)Mike086 Wrote: Do you have work online for us to view?

Work on basic drawing skills, draw everything, all the time, and post your work up, the good and the bad. You'll learn faster by letting other artists view your work.

Check out all the links in the resources section and jump in on the live streams you see people link them in the shout box, they are there for people to converse and talk about art and technique.

Yes I have a sketchbook on here( I think you saw it) and i'll look at the resource section to see what I can find.

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