Hey, everyone. Finally signing up here.
Hi guys, just jumping in. I've seen some interviews, bloodsports, and critters on youtube but never got around to joining here. Well, now is the time.

Currently I'm in my second year in college, art major. I've still yet to get an art job, but that day's a-comin'...eventually.

Anyway, if you want you can see my my portfolio here:

Or, my blog:

And hell, here's my deviantart for good measure:

So yeah, I look forward to meeting you all and improving while I'm here!
nice start and welcome.

One tip, on your portfolio, make the home / main link a page that has art on it.. less navigation for prospective employers to find work. (I see that you posted you are interested in a job doing art) - art directors are notoriously lazy about looking for work... mostly justifiably so as they must look through hundreds of them :D

Good luck with practice and happy daggering
Thanks for the tip!

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