Of Tentacles and Men
I suspect this is going to be somewhat different from what is usually posted here. For one, it's all acrylics. Then, there's the amount of brown involved. Also, angels and flowers. But I add a healthy dose of tentacles for good measure. These are mostly paintings that will be in my second solo show in April in Montreal, if you are in the area, I'd like to see you at the meet and greet on April 6th.

Without further ado:
[Image: pink.jpg]
I was channelling James Jean for that one.

[Image: 1-6shhht_clean.jpg]
That was a commission, so it's already on someone's wall. There is a post about the process on my blog here.

[Image: bothrial.jpg]

[Image: 1-5fantome_de_la_libertes.jpg]
If you've seen this one, I had it with me at Illuxcon 2011.

[Image: 1-2lily.jpg]
An old one, it was in my previous show, but I still like it.

[Image: 1-9war_witch.jpg]

[Image: 1-8eclair.jpg]

[Image: 6x4pourquoipas_web.png?w=830]
The info about the show, and the painting of The Unfortunate Madness of Dr.Fielding.

Hi Chantal,

Thanks for posting these. It's good to see something so different and original. Although the first image doesn't appeal to me at all (pink, red roses, maybe it's a guy thing) I really like the Shhht and Lily images; there's a really nice simplicty of design about them. I can image Shhht as a giant mural on the side of a building. Like the skulls and cthuluesque last piece too. Great work.

Ignatz, I can see how the first one might be a bit too rococo for some tastes. I was inspired by the people who stick fake flowers on top of monuments, it usually looks pretty kitsch!

Thank you for your kind words.

ahh le (514), my old stomping grounds... I'll try to spread the word about your show :)
The show is long over, but I still have new traditional pieces.
[Image: time_killer_cfournier.jpg]
I call this one Time Killer.

[Image: timepiece_.png?w=830]
And with this one I started putting metal leaf on my pieces. (You can see process shots here)

[Image: shaun0_o.jpg?w=576&h=1024]
And here are a Shaun of the Dead Munny and a gilded C3P0 that I painted as presents.

I also made a catalogue of all the pieces I have available, all in the same place. It was a lot of work, but worth it, I think. And it practiced my inDesign skills.

And two new pieces
[Image: oversight_cfournier.png]
This one is acrylics, copper and gold leaf on mdf

[Image: goodomen_web_big.png]
And this one is acrylics and gold leaf on mdf. I'm proud to say that I sold it to a collector as soon as I posted it on Facebook, so it's already gone to a good home.


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