Ismilealot Sketchbook
So this is my sketchbook here!
Thanks for stopping by and if you have a litte time
I'm happy to hear your opinion and feedback would be awesome!
Happy drawing and painting!

At the moment besides daily studies and try to do daily character sketches.
I go on pintrest look for some reference that appeal to me for about 10 minutes and try to do a quick character sketch in about 20 minutes. It's a warmup exercise that I thought would be nice to do before i start my work.Dont know if that's a good exercise but I'm having fun with it.
Happy to hear what your think about my approach and im thank full for any feedback.
So I just started that just yesterday and here are the first two sketches and also the refsheets:
[Image: 11032013.jpg]
[Image: refs_11032013.jpg]
[Image: 12032013.jpg]
[Image: refs_12032013.jpg]
Cool exercise, I think I'll try it sometime...
Only crit I have is in the first one, head seems small or not well placed on the neck. Other than that the poses look great, they're from mind?
pretty good warm-up exercise. I don't believe there's any rules when it comes to warm-ups ;)
These are looking good, just careful with the face on the first one, it's skewed in an odd way. Cool folds on both characters though. If I were to nitpick ... try adding some volume to the straps and the buckles. They're minor details but will bring your sketches to a higher level.

keep them comin'
@ Ananda!
Thanks a lot for the reply! You're both right. Something is wrong with the face and head. Yes those poses are from mind. I will go to life drawing classes again soon to improve that. Hopefully XD!

@von Zandrum.
Yeah i totally screwed up the face. I should go back and redo it. Thanks for pointing that out.
Please dont worry about being nitpicky. That's what im looking for. So please dont stop.

here some hand sketches done from my own hand and the once i did with ballpoint pen are bridgeman studies. Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures but these are done on a2 and im just to lazy to scan all the parts and stick them together.
[Image: hand_studies_01.jpg]
[Image: hand_studies_02.jpg]
@vonZandrum Thanks Dude!

Here's the ref sheet and my 20 minuten character sketch of the day and also 2 oil portraits from life. I'm going everyweek to a 3h session and try to learn to paint with oils. the first one is from last week and the 2nd one from tonight. Unfortunately I dont have a good camera and the light at the studio is pretty bad so sorry for the bad quality. I'm thankfull for any feedback.

[Image: 13032013.jpg]
[Image: refs_13032013.jpg]
[Image: portrait_06032013.jpg]
[Image: portrait_13032013.jpg]
Great portraits and studies!

@Conny Nordlund thanks a lot

I started to do one of the daily characters in color just for fun. here's a work in progress.
Any suggestions?
[Image: 12032013_color.jpg]

love the ref sheets man :) thats and those studies aare rockin and the paints seem to be off to a good start :)

keep posting!

Great sketches so far. Where do you find those awesome fashion references>?? :D

My Crimson Daggers sketchbook ^^
thanks a lot!
hey thanks. i got most of my refs for pinterest. Pinterest ist awesome for gather references

here's some more of my daily sketches. I started to play around how i arrange my references to a nice collage. Wonder where this could take me. I will do these till april and then i will pick a few of them and rework them and take these to finish design.

[Image: 14032013.jpg][Image: refs_14032013.jpg]
[Image: 15032013.jpg][Image: refs_15032013.jpg]
[Image: 16032013.jpg][Image: refs_16032013.jpg]
[Image: 17032013.jpg][Image: refs_17032013.jpg]

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