my deathline, with love
My deathline is a little weird but I still want to share it with everyone :)

*) "Not if, but only"
= much of my decisions are a lot slowed down because I think too much about "if this, if that"
So many times, I just don't enjoy the present, living in the "doubt", fearing the "maybe"s, never jumping and letting it go.

It may sound weird for a challenge like this but, this year I really want to push myself forward, specially on art, where I fear most the changes. And this inner decision have everything to do with my deathline. To die, or to live :)

1) Studying basics
, master study, Loomis, anatomy, composition, everything, from the basics up. No more random illustrations.
And specially, quit from my "secure spot". Playing with anime girls ain't gonna take me to some better place. Not that I don't like them, but I need to experience and try and learn the rest more than everything.

2) Colors with love! Push myself through art with colors! As always, need to get away from my comfortable spot.

3) Start with some serious freelance. For now, really small jobs comes once in a while. I want to leave my life of 12hours a day of work to start developing more my art towards having a strong portfolio and strong work income.

Aint gonna try the impossible, but I'm gonna try my best to be always changing, always trying more ways of living, making art, studying, everything! And if I'm able to enjoy it, even the problems, then my goal will be fulfilled :D

Yea, I have some unusual goals :sleepy:

"Is it possible for you to embrace uncertainty, and not demand that you should know what is going to happen to you in your life situation? "


Deviantart ~~ Tumblr

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