gravity-zero's sketchbook
Finished one of the WIPS above and I also did the self-portrait but I'm incredibly tired of my face right now so I wont post it here. It's in this thread though.

I'm quite proud of this one :)
Thanks for looking.

I had a few days of vacations in the middle of nowhere but that basically meant I could draw all day! No digital stuff because I didn't have my computer but I haven't shown many traditional things here so it's all good.
Sorry if the scans are not the best, the poor scanner kinda sucks.

Playing around with an idea


Wes Burt and Craig Mullins studies (what was I thinking???)

Two J. C. Leyendecker studies (I'm in love with his work)
Didn't really finish this because I got lazy :X but on the other hand I really want to try to do a digital study of the sailor guy, I plan to redeem myself!

And a Geralt of Rivia (Witcher) portrait, also a study.

And that's all for now :)

Your portraits are really lovely, especially of the lady with the fancy hair and cloak in post #22. She has a very serene sort of poise about her.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Delicious traditional stuff! I like your digital work as well.

Your faces tend to get a little muddled or misaligned in terms of their features, but by far and large I think your studies will take you quite far in correcting the issue.

I'll be checking back, so keep up the good work!


Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Tygerson: Thank you so much! I do have a thing for faces but I have much to learn yet! Glad you like it :D

Einver: You're quite right, I'm noticing that more and more but like you said, more studies should fix that (I hope). And thank you for passing by and leaving a comment! :D

I don't have much to show, I've been lazying around because I felt frustrated with the work I was doing. I started I don't know how many drawings and then nothing would come out right..I think most of us know how that's like..
I feel like I'm always hitting a wall, I don't know if you guys feel that too, it's irritating as hell.

I'm thinking of adopting some kind of loose schedule, not a daily one (because I know myself lol) but perhaps a weekly one where I have to do a few studies of certain things and a few imagination pieces each week. It sounds like a good idea right now..we'll see! I certainly have to do more than what I do right now, and more focused studies too, I have many issues to correct and things I want to learn.

So this time I'll show some WIPs that will probably not be finished (because I'm lame - and I have ideas but not the skill to show them exactly). A few of them are actually a few months old already.

A study I didn't finish (I should have at least fixed the lips because they're awful right now XD)

A study of a naked lady I forgot to post the last time

And one of those drawings where I had this amazing idea and then I couldn't really do it so it just turned out 'eh'. I tried a new approach on this one so it was slightly fun regardless.

I was thinking I should probably start to use mostly the hard default brush because I think half of the reason why my paintings seem so muddled up is because I tend to go with the soft that happens.

Anyway, thanks for looking!

hey dude, nice dedication ! concerning the muddiness, it not necessarily coming from soft brush, it's just because ALL your edges are soft ! try to make edges harder on the light, and softer on the shadow, harder on strong contrast, and softer on weak contrast, just experiment, but also see how artists are working, sometimes, the softness of shadow ir really subtle, but there, and it makes the difference !! Keep up the good stuff ! And put more contrast ! don't hesitate to use the whole value range ! take care !

kikindaface: You're absolutely right and apparently sometimes I forget about edges! Or rather, hard edges. Especially in imagination pieces, but from now on I'll try to be more aware of them as I work, after all I love to see that awareness on other people's work. Thank you for the comment, sometimes we all need a little perspective (as an eye opener)!

Vivien Leigh, gift for a friend

Two Meadow Gist studies (the first time I came across her name I didn't realize that was an actual person's name XD)
I had tons of fun doing these, now if I could actually do this on my imagination things that would be great! But I guess the answer is time and hard work, so that's the path.

Thank you for looking!

Very nice to see the improvement here.
I'd love these last value studies.

Hey, você é de Portugal, eu sou do Brasil :P
zakknroll: Thank you! :D Also, awesome! É sempre bom 'ouvir' português por aqui ;)

Wow I've been lousy at this updating thing huh?
Here's some of the things I've been doing!

On the left is a drawing I did in 2010 when I first learned how to paint in Photoshop and I did the one on the right in December 2013!

Jane Shepard and Lisa Mae Shepard, both were for the winners of a tumblr giveaway I did. It was pretty cool doing things for other people.

Madge Undersee, a character from The Hunger Games trilogy (she wasn't in the movies, unfortunately).

That's it for now, thank you for looking!

Well I'm a terrible updater, no doubt about that!
In my defense I finally finished my Master's Degree for good but for that I had to dedicate the whole month of February to preparing my presentation. I had a pretty damn nice grade so it was all worth it in the end.
I will try to be less terrible at updating once again, so here's some (not all, obviously) of the things I've been doing.

Besides that, I have an art tumblr now:
And I gave a small interview to a deviantART group a few weeks ago:

Untill next time! Thanks for looking.

Few studies, I haven't done those in a while.

'Till next time!

Hello, hello!

I'm not dead! I've been dropping by from time to time but haven't really updated this, but I thought that maybe now was the time!

I started this thread in the beginning of 2013 and my last update was in the beginning of 2014.
It's now the beginning of 2016!
That said, I'm not going to fill this with things I've done in 2014 and 2015 (you can just take a look at it on my deviantArt or something like that), but I'll post some of the latest things. I've been neglecting studies big time - which is a huge mistake - so I'm trying to go back to it, while exploring some original ideas as well :)

John Singer Sargent study

Original art (Lady Aurora)

Just a very quick Star Wars sketch! I absolutely loved the scene from the new Star Wars movie where they introduce Rey scavenging in the absolutely massive Star Destroyer (and that music!!) so I drew a little something because I had ideeeaasss.

Thank you for dropping by!

Awesome sketchbook Gravity Zero! I think your painting studies with the outdoor lighting came out really well! Keep going - I'm looking forward to more from you.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook


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