How to Stream on here ?
Hey guys, im new here. I really love painting and would like to do my first stream soon just to paint and chat casually to you guys.

This is such a noob question and it may have already been posted so i apologise, but how do i go about streaming on here so that i can stream and talk to you while i paint ? Is it free or do i need to pay for a service ?

Thanks alot guys any help at all with how this works would be greatly appreciated, im new to the whole streaming thing aswell so im not too sure how it all works out.

Thanks !
Hi, you need to go to and download the plugin to be able to record your screen and mic and stream live. I'd recommend going with procaster.

Cheers :p

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

Blog | Sketchbook | dA
procaster ? whats that sorry ? man i sound like such a noob.

Thanks for your help buddy !

Livestream has two (three ?)different programs that enable you to stream live, I (and a lot of others ) use procaster

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

Blog | Sketchbook | dA
i see that makes sense. Alright i will check that out ! Thanks alot pal ! :)

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