I started a Looking for Partner thread just now, and also thought I'd do a sort of 'Statement of Intent' post here, since this seems the place for it.

I've worked primarily in traditional mediums for my entire artistic career, and only dabbled or fiddled with digital programs like Photoshop or zBrush. I have a hard time transitioning from the work flow I have in pencil/paper, to going into a program and figuring that out. Lots of friends said its easy for them, but I've always struggled.

Honestly, I'm about sick of that. I need to figure out finally, if its possible for me, and do everything to aid myself in that, or finally realize I can't, and be fine with that.

So, here's the Deathlist:

-Study more in Photoshop and zBrush
-Get less concerned with a final product in those studies, like I do in my physical sketchbook
-If I find I have a problem, and find a solution, WRITE IT DOWN. I'm always forgetting.
-Find and print out shortcuts for programs and place them somewhere to see, to help me learn them faster.
-Try to phrase my questions for problems in programs more clearly so when asking for help I don't sound like I'm speaking an alien language.
-Just relax.
-Start bringing things to a finish. I'm doodling and sketching too much, which is fine. I want proof of what I'm doing with both a handful of studies, and a few finished pieces.

More will be added I'm sure.

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