Vertical's sketchbook
Hi guys. I want to get better at drawing characters and at art all around. here's some drawings I did today and some studies from Citizen Kane

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I should try to be more active here

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I really dig those interior scenes at the beginning of the last post. On the faces, I think it might help to get a little more familiar with the planes and underlying structure. The cranium seems to be a little to large or a little to small in most of them. Just keep pounding away!
Thanks CK!

I should try to update here more frequently.

the photos were taken with my 3ds so they kinda suck. BTW that's a self portrait and like a month old.

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some praying mantis cops and junk.

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The praying mantis cop with the long trenchcoat makes me think of Dr. Who (but I'm on a kick with the show lately, so anything in a trenchcoat with gangly legs will make me think this). I like the gestural feel of the characters. Nice!

I also like the character done on the greenish paper, the heady study next to the knight. He's got a lot of personality. Makes me want to know more about him.
He's not really anyone, just ahead study with a poofier version of my hair :)'s some stuff I'm doing. I'm gonna try for bloodsports 6, mostly I've just done animal studies. I want to design a Slavic hunter who kills giant eagles with tusks in the sky using a glider, a crossbow, and a lance

I'm sorry I don't come here more often, this place reminds me of how much more I need to be working.

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4 stars? you're too kind :)

No seriously. There's no way I deserve that many stars yet, I haven't even done anything finished since the golem fiasco. I didn't even design my monster for the hunter challenge after doing all those studies!!! Really disappointed about that, I think my idea would have been pretty cool :( Maybe I'll just design it anyway on my own time

FACT: I AM DOING THE WINDWAKER BLOODSPORT. I shall forever shame my ancestors if I fail to do so. Or something like that.

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I started recording my day to see how much stuff I get done
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I want to get better faster...
oh gross I've gotten a bit lazy the last couple days
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Cool stuff, Are you applying to animation in Sheridan by any chance (last year it was a storyboard of a cat or a boy haha)?

You should do some drawings of animals from life, if you are near any natural museums. Keep it up!
These look like fun man. It looks like you are really enjoying yourself with these character sheets. I like to see that. Are you leaning more toward cartoon animation/children's books type field? Also, are any of these character sheets your own creations?

If they are not, it would be cool to see you find a photo of an animal you'd like to make into a character and make a few variations of characters from that photo. You could apply all you've learned from the studies you've already done and make an original character in the process. Could be worth a try.

Really cool stuff either way. Keep workin hard.
Thanks Panda! Actually I did apply there, and also to Calarts :D they changed the character models apparently, I saw the old ones and I liked these way better

I totally should do that. But I don't think I'm near any. I'll definitely check! I'm pretty close to DC and the national zoo actually, but not close enough for it to be a convenient trip...

Just checked out your blog, awesome bust studies!
Thanks Kutsenko! I certainly want to go into animation. I haven't thought about doing children's book, but somewhere along the line that sounds like it could be fun!
None of the characters are mine, they're just exercises to learn construction and volume I'm doing from a cartoonist named Preston Blair. Guess you could call him the Loomis of cartoons. I appreciate your suggestion, it sounds fun! But I haven't really gotten around to character design yet and I want to follow the book carefully and in order. I'll definitely try your idea once I get there though!

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I don't think I'm getting enough done..
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Holy hell! good for you! there's so much work being done here that I can't help but feel inspired. I log my progress too. I bought one of those "Keep calm & carry on" agendas from a bookstore lol. only because a song had the same title by my favorite musician. I love your film studies, perspective studies, and really love your Disney style studies. The dynamic poses are great!

keep up the great work!
Thanks a lot Trob! I think logging my time was a neat idea, it's interestign to knwo that throughout the week i wasted about as much time as I used...
Didn't have a lot of time today and I didn't make any progress on projects :( . I have to work on my drawings from imagination...
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There's quite a lot of different styles and subjects here in your sketchbook and it's all really well done to my eyes at least. Good work. Very enjoyable and interesting.

It's actually rather motivating to see people post stuff this diverse. Makes me want to try all kinds of things, too.


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