Character pose crit please
Hey all,
Well after making a few people a tad peeved that I cant change my characters pose after rendering, I have followed advice and posted some poses!
Right, so I've used lines of action, and they should still be evident in green behind so I havent cheated!
This dude is a zombie boss, I was caught between a scythe dude and an insecticide dude so I went with the latter as its more modern as it needs to be.
He will use his poison spray gun (its an agricultural setting, so its pesticide in canisters on his back/carrying, hence the tubes coming from his back and what hes holding).
He will also use the poison spray as an ignition fuel to make a flame thrower style thing, with a match/cigarette lighter/ candle (?!)... some sorta flame! Look up 'centipede' by Knife Party, and the video to that, and you will catch my drift, it was an unintentional copy :/ Still great song and vid.
So yah, thats what Im going for, I want him to be a creepy kind of person, that you find in a fields sneaking around, he will be weakened by poisoned/ infected limbs from the dripping insecticide, (i dunno if this is realistic, will research), so I want him to be limping, shuffling and crouched, so perhaps 2 isnt a very good representation of this...).
Anyways, it took me about an hour of shuffling through poses to come up with some that look almost ok, so I hope at least one of these is good.
Please tell me your favourite along with any advice you have :D
All the best :)

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I gave you some feedback on my live stream channel, the video is in the archive, you'll see your username on it.

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(04-17-2013, 04:07 PM)Mike086 Wrote:

I gave you some feedback on my live stream channel, the video is in the archive, you'll see your username on it.

Awesome thanks very much, I see exactly what you mean there. Unfortunately I lack imagination when it comes to poses, so will work on using legs a lot more. I didnt consider different body shapes and symmetry/asymmetry, so great point there I like the gun-in-arm idea a lot so thanks for that :)
Great vid, will work on it for next time, and will come up with a load more thumbnails for this now, or may use the ones you suggested as they are pretty awesome.

Oh yeh and soz for the big file size, i got a pretty decent laptop so I like to work big in-case i go really detailed.
Hey all, latest set of thumbs, have included some of Mike's thumbs because they are awseome and I couldnt improve them. Have done a couple of spin off variations and a few of my own.
Btw the grey bit from the gun are flames... not anything else... -_-
Tell me what you guys think :D

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Ok I went with bottom right, because though I really like top right, its too hunched for me to be able to get any detail with the belt and tubes etc in well. Mostly because I suck, I'm sure others would be able to do it ok.
So ive gone for his right leg being ripped apart and burnt from the dripping insecticide from his spray gun, which has be shoved into and grown into his arm.
I want him leaning on the spray gun like a crutch, the other leg dragging behind him as its useless, and I dont think I've shown that very well here. Before I render any more, i thought I'd post this quick blocking out of it and get some opinions. Any crit or suggestions would be very appreciated, thanks!
Since he's a zombie, you should push the crutch idea and give him a ripped up leg, or a missing on with some exposed bone.

Maybe just a remaining skeletal foot that is useless.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
(04-25-2013, 08:20 AM)Mike086 Wrote: Since he's a zombie, you should push the crutch idea and give him a ripped up leg, or a missing on with some exposed bone.

Maybe just a remaining skeletal foot that is useless.

yes i will be doing that for sure, im just blocking out his suit atm and seeing how the pose is looking. is it alright do you think?

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