chocolate and cookies
[Image: k1rn.jpg]

speedpaint space pirates 40min
[Image: ej0o.jpg]

[Image: qfq2.jpg]
[Image: anb2.jpg]

[Image: 8llm.jpg]

[Image: tvl0.jpg]

[Image: ha38.jpg]

speedpaint 60min
[Image: 9d5w.jpg]

[Image: 51hp.jpg]

[Image: scyb.jpg]

[Image: l4as.jpg]

did about 50 60sec poses to warmup

[Image: myi4.jpg]
[Image: 4gd7.jpg]

noref heads ugh so horrible ( i left my comfortzone and got shot, retreat! )
[Image: 22av.jpg]
[Image: 5po9.jpg]

speedpaint 30min seahorse dreams
[Image: 9qwh.jpg]

more from imagination
[Image: zfw1.jpg]

[Image: mbvx.jpg]
[Image: r4ui.jpg]

still life
[Image: e557.jpg]

[Image: ot3n.jpg]

more posemaniacs to warm up
and photostudies
[Image: 9yzb.jpg]
[Image: dj8x.jpg]

speedpaint winter nightmare 30min
[Image: ekcu.jpg]

speedpaint 60 min
[Image: 9c1x.jpg]

[Image: kcln.jpg]

[Image: plsh.jpg]

[Image: a64v.jpg]

Keep it up bro.

random thoughts:

yesterday i went to visit my old drawing teacher and an old classmate
used to go drawing as a kid every Saturday, best day of the week
so was great to see my teacher again, and did a lineart drawing from life
but damn I was so bad, my proportions were all mixed up, and since blaming my terrible lack of sleep would only explain a tiny bit, I started to think
Looking back on a lot of studies i notice that i jump to fast to coloring, and when working digital i can easily paint over my mistakes
but when working with hard charcoal and no eraser thats not an option.
I especially notice that when doing perspective stuff in my sketchbook, i find this terrible hard
so i think i should look more and think before i draw and pay a lot of attentio nto proportions
same with my paintings and portraits, details and features are foten drawn to large because i give them more attention then empty areas
that is why i did the last study without the features

another thing i started to notice while doing gesture studies (posemaniacs, quickposes, ...) was that i often copy to much, or start rendering one area
now i try to focus on the gesture but often the figure is not recognizable if i only draw a few gesture lines
as a kid i used to be pretty good at copying what i saw, but i did just that, copy. I drew while looking at the image/environment I was drawing, and meanwhile I was drawing
I still do this to much, but I only realized it when looking at my gesture studies. So now i force myself to not draw while I am looking, and try to understand what I am drawing, how the form is, the volume
I already know this for a long time yet I keep doing this without realizing

also i used to set myself a deadline, like photostudy 1 hour, and i think that's great but only gets me so far. Now I am starting to copy photos until I am satisfied or give up (which i do still to often)
like in the last paint I couldn't get the nose right, and after an hour on the nose alone (not rendering but trying to move, change proportions etc) I just stopped
also i asked some feedback to people I look up to. The most important things I learned is to just keep going, paint everyday and dont worry to much, and I was also told that I should do some longer studies, like I started reently, but they are all still done in the same day, so maybe I ll try to go for a more finished piece and work a few days on it. It has been years since I did this and I always kept telling myself I would do that later, because I knew I should but I never did it.

So here are a few goals I want to achieve, I ll put them in words so to not forget them

-be able to paint figure out of my head
to do this i need to practice more drawing without ref, and look what is wrong and try to fix it
what I did instead was only doing photostudies and gesture studies

-paint cool enviroments, and other stuff
what i should do is do speedpaints or longer paints
what i did instead was doing photostudies from landscapes mostly

so I should do more work from my head, or do my own version and use ref, instead of doing photostudies
also I got the suggestion to do more masterstudies, and really take your time until it looks good.
I think the reason I don't do much work from my imagination is because I feel bad for the results
But since the beginning of August (previous month) I joined a speedpaint group and do at least 30min speedpainting a day
and the beginning felt so bad but now I am starting to enjoy this
so I guess I was just being a wuss

had a great time talking most of the time with my teachers yesterday and something interesting he said was that if you don't paint for a while and come back to it sometimes can feel like you have not painted for years. And that it is just a long way but if you keep going you ll get there
The visit made me kinda nostalgic, brought lots of memories back, and a lot of things that I noticed while drawign as a child there that I totally forgot that came back.
Small things I don't know how to explain
So that's why I am ranting here, to try capture this moment of thinking so I won't forget it when I reread this, and maybe someone else also finds this interesting
and now I am of doing some proportion traditional drawing

speedpaint 30 min crusade
[Image: v2fn.jpg]

Those environments are looking wicked friend, hope to see more.

today went to look at the first years from the school i jsut graduated, met some old classmates, and had fun drawing/doodling during the day
did some bodyposes and gestures when i was home and bought and started a new sketchbook

speedpaint based on a photo
had no idea for the theme native country
[Image: rgg4.jpg]


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