Mythtaken and his training collage
mmm more "grayscales" to clear my mind from other work, they took bit longer than i expected, but its alright, i had fun :)

The Bro's will handle whatever the problem is

"Who are you?"

Some late night sketching

Some more sketchin'

Oh wow, it looks terrible when decreasing the size of it lol

I wanna see it bigger then, because I love it hehe <3

Looking good! needs more studies maybe...

Some value studies, been doing lot of Andrew Loomis "back to basics" stuff lately, on real pen and paper even!

Messing around before hitting the bed, continuing with fundamentals practice and value studies tomorrow

gold fish

A few character/costume designs for a game, more will come!

few quick alien heads

and some landscape sketchy, I need to spend a lot more time with this one if I ever want to finish it.

realized I didn't post this one, it's a bit old but here goes

boxing troll

Mock-up sketch for the latest bloodsports challenge, i plan to do a futuristic character in a fantasy world

Update, this is where it's at, and where it's going, got a few studies ahead of me before i continue, polar-bear, eagle wings and a few minor things to study

Added some basic colors, fixed a few errors with the polar-bear after I did a couple of studies, I hope I'll get it done until Friday ._.

The studies

really nice progress in this thread! I'm digging so many things. The caterpillar thingy is so great. absolutely love it. As for the latest piece. I must say so far so good. One thing that I noticed is that the bear is roaring at nothing. May be make him scream at someone to make it more dynamic. Great studies btw. These are just my thoughts, I've still much to learn about composition so i'm kinda brainstorming here. Great work through the whole thread though. Keep it up!

this sb is awesome! great everything. love the troll, maybe sharper edges?
Great work and excellent studies! Keep it up!

(03-20-2013, 09:56 AM)la1uc Wrote: really nice progress in this thread! I'm digging so many things. The caterpillar thingy is so great. absolutely love it. As for the latest piece. I must say so far so good. One thing that I noticed is that the bear is roaring at nothing. May be make him scream at someone to make it more dynamic. Great studies btw. These are just my thoughts, I've still much to learn about composition so i'm kinda brainstorming here. Great work through the whole thread though. Keep it up!

You're correct, I won't defend this piece because I honestly think it's weak, but the idea was that they're surrounded by those creatures, so you could imagine there are some creatures behind and around the camera, and the bear is shouting at them. But again, it's a weak piece and I'll most likely not finish it.

Thanks for the critique :)

Finally got my shit together and started to plan my time better, i _WILL_ finish this bloodsport challenge. Starting off easy with some preliminary sketches, been doing a few female bust studies last week that will be quite handy as reference, going to continue with them.

Wasn't satisfied with the overall look, I like some of the screaming dudes per-se, but not the images as a whole (see previous post), so I tried to come up with more sketches

You've got some great stuff in here! Love your rendering. Keep pushing it!

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Thanks Zesiul!

Still not satisfied with the composition, but I'm going to play it safe, only a few days left. I tried a method i never used before, rough line-art > value sketch > color sketch => final painting. I haven't started with the final painting yet, I still need to settle the design of the golem and the wizard.

It took fairly quick to do the color sketch, I never done that before, I painted it with large brushes and zoomed out, and it turned out to be very pleasing (both the method and the colorscheme, at least I think so). So I'll try to explore the method a bit more.

Anyway, that's enough of my rant, the value sketch on the left and the color sketch on the right, but again, the design of the golem and the wizard still needs to be explored.

Buttload of things to do, I have barely started render anything, just blocked in colors and fixed designs... ...and the deadline is just around the corner. Well, I'll finish it, but I wont be able to enter the bloodsports, again <.<.

Critique is welcome, here is the piece at its current state


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