Raedrob's Attempt at Art
Here's the animation, as promised. I've put about 18 hours into it so far, I'm not very quick or efficient with this stuff at this point.

Also, more Loomis and gestures, because I really do need the practice very badly.

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More stuff, still ploughing through head studies, trying to get better.
The whole reason I started doing them was to do that Mikasa portrait justice. I'll still keep going with them, as most of my head constructions are atrocious. I love all the dynamic poses you find in Attack on Titan and I want to do a more dynamic piece sometime too, but this one was more about the face and head.

School is starting to get a bit heavy, so I don't think I'll get as much time to do studies and the like during the next couple of weeks, but I'll try to get some time for them.

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It's been too long!
I've been pretty busy with school work the last couple of weeks,
so I haven't been able to do as much as I've wanted, but I hope to remedy that.

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Nice stuff man! Good luck getting the work in.
These head practices are good, an exercise I oughta be doing more XD It seems like you're drawing the features in pretty quickly, maybe take more time in the beginning of the drawing to really nail the perspective and form and build up the features with the simplest possible forms. You can just make a block for the nose, a cylinder for the shape of the jaw, and spheres for the eyes, then go more complex when you're sure it's all in the right place.

Thanks, Sam! I kinda like to do a "feeling" approach when doing some of these faces and using simple shapes are very helpful. I'm still struggling with the heads, but i notice how the last ones I do each day are better than the first ones I did that very same day.

Here's the batch of stuff I've done since last time!
I need to do more colour studies of landscapes, I want to come up with more interesting colour schemes. That painting of a lady in the sewers or w/e will probably be redone sometime, as the angle is not totally what I had in my mind. I don't feel like putting much more work into this one.

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Some more head stuff, delving into eyes as well.
A little bit of school assignments and some city sketch I hope to take further.

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I've tossed myself into another round of Noah's art camp. In the middle of the exam period.
I'm a bit too impulsive sometimes, but I'll try to do a lot of the given work. Doing everything would be madness. I need to keep my work on heads and figures more consisten, I'm slipping out of it and it shows very quickly.There's also a couple of school assignments in there. I have to take better care of my drawing arm.

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It's been a while since the last post!
I'm still recovering from an arm injury, which is really slowing me down.
Hopefully I'll be all good by new year, I really don't want this thing to keep
slowing me down like this. With exams up and running I have to focus my efforts
towards those for the time being.

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I just finished my finals today, what a relief!
These are just a bunch of 30 min speed paints, that's what I've had the time for etc.

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Man has it been forever since I posted anything here.
My injuries ended up being worse than I had anticipated,
but hopefully it'll get better now. I'll be starting physical therapy the coming Monday,
so I hope to find the quickest way to recovery.

These images are a mix of some of the stuff I've managed to put out there
since stuff went bad. There's some 30 min sketches, more finished paintings
and stuff.

I hope to be back for good and to start getting into a proper workflow again :)

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This is all I had time for today. Not very impressive :P

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Here's my most recent stuff.
I'm trying to find an approach to heads that I enjoy.
the more painterly way is pretty fun, but the angles I'm
able to pull off are limited due to experience, or lack there of.

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I've found out I need to put more work into figures.
It's been so long I've been thrown out of the game :P

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You might want to do some studies of how flesh and fat affects the human form, that last figure you painted feels really skinny in the rib cage because of the concave belly line, but her leg feels really bloated because its not tapering right. And all your shadows are a bit too desaturated and a whole value step too light for some reason!

Keep working it dude, good luck :D

Hey, thanks for the feedback, Sam!

I tried to pay attention to the ref I used,
but I obviously need to do more practice :)

Here's just a little bunch of stuff I did recently.

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