05-17-2013, 01:35 PM
hey guys hope everyone is going well:)
I'm trying to improve my work.I've done Hyperrealisms portraits over the years but it seems that for me is not satisfying enough and would like honestly train my mind to create stuff from imagination.I know the process is not easy.I'm sincerely willing to put 3 years into this till I can freelance full time but I do believe I can make that happen sooner than I think.I do believe I have decent technical skills to reach this goal although it takes more than technical skills.I work about 20 hours a week so that I can focus on studying my craft and its been a couple of years but during those years I've also freelanced for music composition for independent games.Over 300 tracks created since 2006.
I sincerely want honest opinions and criticisms over my work and hope to improve on your suggestions.I'm very dedicated for work...
I will do my best to update this sketchbook everyday...
you can also follow me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/skrob.art
stuff of studies and life drawings...

speed paint from references

40 min
40 min
1 h
40 min
1 h
1 h

6 hours first ever portrait in ps

total of 12 hours for this work.

about 14 hours into this.I tried to use a lot of refs pics to simulate realisms.learned a lot.I've always told myself never use any references for drawing from imagination because it feels like I'm cheating for some reason, specially when I've heard frank frazetta painted from imagination only.I recently saw Dan Luvisi livestream and learned a lot from is livestream on how he does is work.
I do believe I'm lacking from my imagination and was told this by some guy and would like to improve this mind of mine but not too sure what to do.
stuff made from imagination

I'm trying to improve my work.I've done Hyperrealisms portraits over the years but it seems that for me is not satisfying enough and would like honestly train my mind to create stuff from imagination.I know the process is not easy.I'm sincerely willing to put 3 years into this till I can freelance full time but I do believe I can make that happen sooner than I think.I do believe I have decent technical skills to reach this goal although it takes more than technical skills.I work about 20 hours a week so that I can focus on studying my craft and its been a couple of years but during those years I've also freelanced for music composition for independent games.Over 300 tracks created since 2006.
I sincerely want honest opinions and criticisms over my work and hope to improve on your suggestions.I'm very dedicated for work...
I will do my best to update this sketchbook everyday...
you can also follow me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/skrob.art
stuff of studies and life drawings...

speed paint from references

40 min

40 min

1 h

40 min

1 h

1 h

6 hours first ever portrait in ps

total of 12 hours for this work.

about 14 hours into this.I tried to use a lot of refs pics to simulate realisms.learned a lot.I've always told myself never use any references for drawing from imagination because it feels like I'm cheating for some reason, specially when I've heard frank frazetta painted from imagination only.I recently saw Dan Luvisi livestream and learned a lot from is livestream on how he does is work.
I do believe I'm lacking from my imagination and was told this by some guy and would like to improve this mind of mine but not too sure what to do.
stuff made from imagination