Nimao's Sketchbook - things and stuff
Those anatomy studies look good, I've got a couple of books too, but I didn't start using them yet XD Keep it up! People with good base on anatomy have better result on their works so far! ;)

I have started to paint another Warcraft fanart of Tyrande
(03-27-2012, 02:57 AM)brenthollowell Wrote: drawing from books is good man, nothing wrong with it. just do some from memory afterwards to make it stick. keep it up man.

Thanks for the encouragement dude.
(03-27-2012, 05:11 AM)isra-ac Wrote: Those anatomy studies look good, I've got a couple of books too, but I didn't start using them yet XD Keep it up! People with good base on anatomy have better result on their works so far! ;)

Thanks man the books help me a lot i can only recommend studying from them but sometimes it gets boring XD

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I cleaned the BLoodsport thing a little bit up. Next Im going to make some studies of Textures. But now i go to sleep.

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back from Work.. im soo tried
last 3 are from imagination

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some more from imagination

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I have to put more color in my drawings -.- .. worked on my tyrande fanart

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just had 1,5 hours today to draw =(((

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silk study.. the color looks totally different on my cintiq oO

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again some rough pose sketches based on a lessen out of the book

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worked on some things

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Ivysaur for the royal fellas challange =)

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glove study

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finished my entry for the Bloodsport challenge

thanks to Negrea Alex for his overpainting which helped me alot.

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finished tyrande fanart

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blue toungued study
Loomis Figur Draw No.17

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Rhineura study
Burne Hogarth - Drawing Dynamic Hands No.01

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Burne Hogarth - Drawing Dynamic Hands No. 02

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Loomis Figur Drawing No. 18

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Concept Sketches for the new Bloodsport i'm going to chose ?jude Law?? cant remember the name.. but it is that one who is the defender of law.

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Did some thumbnails for the new Bloodsport. One of them i'm going to chose.
Loomis Figur Drawing No. 019

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