3,2,1 Deathlineee GO!
9 months to go

Ok I think it's a good idea to post my Deathline goals here. I will also post every Sunday my goals for next week. But first.

My deathline goals are:
1) Generate half of my incomes from art jobs.
a) Identify my weknessess and keep a work rutine in order to destroy my weak points.
d) Work on design skills, develop visual libary.
c) Develop portfolio which will contain:
- 5 fully finished illustrations (book cover format)
- 5 ip designs (character+enviroments+props+backstory)
d) get out there and talk to people!

2) Move to different country
a) Save at least 1/4 of my salary. Every month.
b) Improve my English
c) take care of every formal issues (work visa, getting a job, health ensurance etc.)

3) Improve my figure.
It's hardly a goal cuz it's not that specific as previous ones.
a) swim 2 times a week for 2 hours.
b) getting back into martial art

And that's it. I saw once Daves work schedule so I decided to make my own. Here it is.

[Image: schedule+copy.JPG]

Good luck with your deathline!

How goes the progression since the origin of this list? :)

i think you have to many goal to record and some of them seem to be vague
so here is what i suggest
1) Generate half of my incomes from art jobs.If half you're income is art what is the other half if you dont know try to give yourself a deadline to find it out.Maybe give yourself a deadline to find a job if you don't have one already.

a) Identify my weakness and keep a work routine in order to destroy my weak points.
This goal is impossible because you will always find weakness it a discipline .I suggest you to make a note file and each time you find something you want to improve note it down it serve as a way to show yourself what you should be studying next.

b) Work on design skills, develop visual library.
This is to vague be more specific.For design choose if you wanna improve Scale and Proportion,Repetition,Emphasis,Balance,Movement,Unity and etc.Also be specific on what kind of stuff you want to add to you're visual library.

c) Develop portfolio which will contain:
- 5 fully finished illustrations (book cover format)
- 5 ip designs (character+enviroments+props+backstory)
good job you have here a clear goal

d) get out there and talk to people!
I don't know you but if i can assume that your a shy type person like many artist i recommend you to take acting class it help to get confidence and it good for job interview since it boost confidence kinda.

2) Move to different country.
This goal is only possible if you have money so i don't know if you have some saving but if not then i hope you live with your parent or else it going to be a hard one.

a) Save at least 1/4 of my salary. Go to the bank or call them and ask to see a concealer to set a automatic saving system.

b) Improve my English.Make some tutorial and only use english or take English class or start reading english book look at English movie.

c) take care of every formal issues (work visa, getting a job, health insurance
make sure to fix priority since visa and health insurance are i guess money related fix getting a job first then each other issue.

3) Improve my figure.
It's hardly a goal cuz it's not that specific as previous ones.

a) swim 2 times a week for 2 hours.
Add more what kind of swimstyle you wanna pratice like crawl backcrawl butterfly etc... set yourself some goal like to be able to swim 400m in 10min or less or to be able to do 50m in 60sec or less

b) getting back into martial art
find the date of the inscription

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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