Hello there
I'm 33. I have always liked to draw. I use to play a lot of shadowrun when I was a teenager. After high school I got a job, a wife and a house. I had no time for "hobbies" After all this time I finally realized that there are people who do this for a living. I want to be one of those people.

My wife fully supports and believes in me. Insane, ecstatic

I have been sketching part time for a while and I like doing plein air watercolor painting, just getting back into it. I'm terrible. Sad With a cushion of savings and my wife helping, I quit my job ( it sucked anyway ) and I have this summer to devote to art.

While I'm at it, I Know Crimson Daggers ( also cghub ) is a good environment. Just lurking here has been amazing.

So that's me. I'll post a deathline soon and start a sketchbook.
Hi Ron! Don't think you are terrible you are truly brave person quiting your job, even if it sucked xD And with strong support and some discipline you will turn your hobby into profit :D
Welcome on CD hope to see you around :)


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